
20th Feb 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Mother Simpson - S7-E8

Corrected entry: When it goes back to the sixties and Mona Simpson is setting the bomb, there are 8 hippies around the bomb. When it cuts to the news bulletin about the lab, Kent Brockman says there were seven.

Correction: The only people who knew about it were Clancy Wiggum and Mr Burns, and both could have believed it was seven and not eight people in the lab. Like any news media outlet, sometimes they get the facts wrong.


Your Shoe's Untied / Squid's Day Off - S2-E2

Corrected entry: In 'Your Shoe's Untied', Spongebob slams his feet into the floorboards so that Patrick couldn't see that his shoes were still untied. He drags his feet along under the floor. How could he walk with his feet under the floor, if he can't even walk normally?

Correction: Simple, he was shuffling his shoes. When he stomps his shoes into the floarboards he never lifts them again and just slowly moves forward. Like in the kitchen later on he was trying to shuffle his feet.


4th Feb 2005

Heat (1995)

Corrected entry: When Vincent is closing in on Neil near the climax of the film, they're on foot at the end of a runway at LAX. The powerful microwave and infrared transmitters on the ground at the end of a runway can seriously injure and kill very quickly - many people have been maimed or killed by sneaking onto commercial runways. Both Vincent and Neil should have been affected.


Correction: Its hard to say they would have been killed or injured by the transmitters. Certainly they run across the landing areas but it's for a few short seconds. I would think there would be safety devices for incidents in which people may run across the runway or for airport crew to safely cross in case they needed to get onto the landing strip. Fire crews and emergency teams would also be highly exposed if the transmitters were as lethal as that. Length of exposure is the main factor, and they're not standing in their path for long at all.


24th Feb 2005

Goodfellas (1990)

Corrected entry: When Karen is sitting on Henry's chest, confronting him about his girlfriend Janice, with a gun in his face, you can look in the cylinder of the .38 in every shot that looks down the barrel and see that the cylinder is empty. The gun is not loaded.

Correction: Despite the gun not being loaded, both characters may not have noticed. Karen was extremely emotional and wanting to prove something to Henry, whilst Henry was looking at his wife trying to calm her down. One of the other factors in the scene was that Karen says "I couldn't bring myself to shoot him" meaning she may have even unloaded it or kept one round empty to make sure she didn't shoot him no matter what.


Correction: The whole reason she started crying was she was woken up by the peanut and had just found her egg missing. Clamu must have still been asleep when Krabs stole the egg meaning she didn't know it was missing. Spongebob throwing the peanut just woke her up and her distressed look was realising her egg had gone.


Corrected entry: When Sands meets Bellini, the plate with his food appears on the table between shots when he gets served, and we see the waitress setting down only a little bowl. (00:01:10)


Correction: From the angle the plate of food is obscured from view but she puts down two plates. The one we see waitress put down is a small cup, which looks like a sauce for the meal.


Corrected entry: In the movie, a news helicopter is flying somewhat close between the various Los Angeles CGI tornadoes that are tearing at the heart of the city. In real life, tornadoes are created by extreme turbulent vortex winds and heavy updrafts that affect areas two to six miles in diameter. One would not want to be flying a helicopter anywhere near an area that has just spawned a half a dozen tornadoes.

Correction: This shows more the stupidity of the people in the helicopter rather than a true mistake. Wanting good footage they probably decided to take the risk and keep going. Take the people standing around for example who were trying to film the event. Most of the people were taking the force of the tornadoes much too lightly.


8th Feb 2005

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: All of the fish in the tank in the dentist's office come from the ocean, so it must be a saltwater tank. However Giggles, the fish that Darla killed in the picture, is a goldfish. Goldfish live in fresh water, and wouldn't be able to live in salt water.

Correction: There isn't much evidence to say that he kept the goldfish in that tank. All we know is Darla had the fish and probably had a tank at her house. The dentist never talked about having that fish, he just had a picture of Darla and the goldfish.


Corrected entry: Marilyn set out to deceive Miles. Given the complexity of her fraud and the number of people involved he would have had little difficulty demonstrating to a court that her intent was to defraud him and thus invalidate the marriage.

Correction: Proving that she was out to get him, he would need evidence that she set him up. Most of the evidence would have been testimony with the other people she involved and I don't think Miles would have been able to convince them to testify on his behalf. In any case Miles may just not have thought about this plan of attack. Miles was pretty rash after the quick separation and tried to have her killed before trying anything else.


11th Oct 2003

One Hour Photo (2002)

Corrected entry: In the car scene where the mother discovers that the husband is having an affair, the son looks in the passenger side wing mirror and sees Sy's car. This would have been impossible as the mirror would have been adjusted for the mother to see out of, plus a child of his size would barly been able to see the mirror. (00:54:15)

Correction: The mother might have not readjusted the mirror or not noticed she couldn't see it from her viewpoint. I know in my car the mirror commonly doesn't stay at the right angle because of the wind pushing it in. From the kid being able to see it, you can readjust those mirrors that even people can see it from the passenger side. For all we know the kid decided to change it so he could things behind him in the car.


26th Aug 2003

One Hour Photo (2002)

Corrected entry: Jake Yorkin wants to buy an action figure from Neon Genesis Evangelion, he explains to Sy that it's a good guy and that it is about 20 feet tall, however if you have watched the movie "The End Of Evangelion" you'd know that it's one of about 12 similar bad guys that bring forth the apocalypse and kill Asuka, also these "Eva's" are more likely to be about 200 feet tall.

Correction: We only know that the Jake wants one of these action figures. Whether he knows much about the show or film could be why he gets the facts wrong. Jake might have seen the figures in the store and decided he wanted one and not seen the film or show to find out more of the facts of the characters.


30th Sep 2002

One Hour Photo (2002)

Corrected entry: During the scene where Sy is getting fired, Sy states something to the effect that he has never messed up anyone's film the entire time he has worked there. Unfortunately, a short time before, Yoshi reminded him that he had cut directly through a negative once again. Sy acknowledges this and recommends giving the customer a free roll of film for their trouble.

Correction: This is more his character trying to hide his wrong doings. In the scene he is trying to show how valuable he is to the company. Telling the boss that he made a few mistakes wasn't exactly going to impress in trying to keep his job.


Corrected entry: In the final scene where Jason is walking across the park, he is limping on the wrong leg. (01:35:45)

Correction: In that final shot it looks more as if he is just walking very slowly but you can hardly see any limping. A little strange but may just want to take his time walking instead of putting pressure on the leg.


Corrected entry: During the car chase in Moscow, we see a few shots of the dashboard of Bourne's car. In one of them, you can see some newspapers/magazines on the right side of the dashboard. The next shot from the dashboard, the papers are gone. A split second later during that same shot, the papers reappear. (01:27:40)

Correction: They don't dissapear. If you watch the papers before he goes into the small underpass, the light clearly shows them. The next shot of the dashboard the shadow from the underpass covers it up. If you frame by frame the shot just before the shadow covers it you can still see the papers and such are still there before the shadow covers them up.


27th Aug 2001

Braveheart (1995)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Wallace is being transported to the execution, and people are pelting him with vegetables, at one point he gets hit by a cabbage or something square in the knackers, and you can see him wincing in pain and coming loose from his bindings.

Correction: In the scene he is wincing in pain but never comes loose from the fittings holding his hands up.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, at the Super Bowl between the Miami Dolphins and the Philadelphia Eagles, Ace is sneaking up on the albino pigeon sitting on the gatorade coolers. The Eagles' mascot walks up and shoos the bird away, but they are on the Dolphins' side of the field. Why would the Eagles mascot be on that side? (01:17:35)

Correction: There's no protocol to say mascots have to be on their own side. Some games the mascots go around the field to antagonise the team or fans and to have a bit of fun with the crowd.


Corrected entry: Film footage of the "Ray Finkle" missed field goal in the movie was authentic. It was actually a blocked field goal from Superbowl VII that was attempted by Dolphins kicker Garo Yepremian.

rabid anarchist

Correction: The footage may have had some bits from Superbowl VII (7) but is more likely from Superbowl XIX (19). This was the Superbowl discussed in the film between the Dolphins and the San Francisco 49ers. You can even see in the shot of the replays of the kicking that the opposition team is the 49ers (it's on the helmet). The kick that Garo Yepremian missed for the Dolphins was against the Washington Redskins which was in Superbowl VII.


15th Jan 2005

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Corrected entry: When Marsellus is hit by Butch's car, the ladies standing around him are saying "Yep. He's dead", although his eyelids are jittering open and closed.


Correction: The ladies are not exactly checking his vital signs to check if he's dead. He's just lying there and they just assume he's dead.


9th Sep 2002

Batman Forever (1995)

Corrected entry: Batman missed two prime opportunities to identify the Riddler. Not only could he have scanned the riddles for fingerprints (as we saw with the second riddle that Nygma doesn't wear hand protection), but shouldn't his expensive mansion hiding the Bat Cave have security cameras at the front gate that could've caught Nygma placing the riddle there?

Correction: Edward (The Riddler) could have just wiped the objects down after making the riddles. As for the security cameras, Batman may not be watching when Edward put the riddle on the gate. Even if he recorded it, it might be tough to see his face. He never raises his head and wearing the cap and glasses would obscure his face.


1st Oct 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: The window you see is not the same window we see next to the store entrance. It's to the left of the store when he walks in. We actually never see a clear view of the entrance when Homer gets in the store.


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