
28th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: When the explosions on the Louisa happen, towards the end of the wider shot you can see the actors stopping any reaction (Charlie pulls the head out of the noose and then just looks at Rose without moving an inch closer, and Rose herself keeps her arms down all the time without even attempting to free her neck), just waiting for their cue to do other actions in other takes. (01:42:45)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

The African Queen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Once Rose has put up the Union Jack flag, Charlie tells her "You'll wait for me on the East shore." The sentence is across two shots, the second part remarkably pronounced with a big cigar between Mr. Bogart's lips. It just was not there before. (01:31:15)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

The African Queen mistake picture

Revealing mistake: As Charlie holds Rose close and tells her that "We'll never lack stories to tell our grandchildren" after the assault of the bug swarm, the background is perfectly in focus, but the engine behind them is not - on top of showing chromakey white noise in the top right corner. (01:13:35)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: When the protagonists get suddenly attacked by the mosquitoes, those appear and disappear completely randomly like in an on/off switch, both times when the boat is supposed to move very slowly or even not at all (they appear when the boat is anchored). Moreso, even if the boat is anchored, the background behind Bogart and Hepburn keeps scrolling, and when Mrs. Hepburn swats the flies away yelling "Charlie!", the contour of chromakey screen is visible. (01:10:55)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

The African Queen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Rose offers Charlie to help with the propeller. He says "Here goes" and motions to go back underwater. Katharine Hepburn's hands are on the vertical supports sticking out. Not a moment has passed (you hear the plop of him actually submerging) and in this new reverse shot her hands are by those same supports, not on them. (01:07:15)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: Before the boat gets into the steep rapids following the bit with Allnutt doing hippo and monkey impressions, the wide shot shows the mannequin supposed to stand-in for Bogart all bent over in a way that does not mirror the actor at that point (but fits the bit when the boat is taking a nosedive). (01:02:40)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: When the Germans at the fort fire the first shot, Bogart is ducking while Katharine Hepburn is sticking her head out, hand on the edge of the boat. Immediately after that, she is shown ducked down and with her hand closer instead. (00:51:05)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Factual error: This comes directly from the novel, but the Ulanga river the protagonists are traveling by boat to reach the lake with the German battleship, does not in fact encounter or form any lake in its path. It also travels towards northeast, so the opposite way of what the map shown in the movie indicates. (00:22:00)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: When Charlie pours himself a drink by adding gin to a glass he filled up with river water, a little conjuring trick is at hand here; the glass Bogart spikes is not the same one he legitimately dipped into the murky river. He puts the dirty water glass out of frame and supposedly retrieves it once he opened the bottle, but it's from a different spot. More telltale signs are the difference in level of liquid, and in fact, at the beginning of the sequence once he pulls the glass back from the river, above the edge of the boat railing you could see the rim of the other glass ready to be switched. (00:40:40)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

The African Queen mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the crossing of the rapids, in several shots you can see a white (possibly green if you are looking at a video version that came out before the 2009 restoration) halo around the actors, in particular the hat and hair. (00:38:15 - 00:39:05)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: During the crossing of the first rapids, in the faraway shots Bogie and Mrs. Hepburn were replaced by mannequins - you can see how still they are throughout the bumpy ride, the lady in the hat sitting perfectly upright. (00:38:20)


27th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Visible crew/equipment: When Rose is calling his brother who is working the burnt out ground of the village, in the long shot the man stands up straight as she approaches, while in the close-up, Robert Morley is still more hunched over. And really, the person in the long shot does not even look like Robert Morley, but a body double. (00:13:15)


25th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: During the conversation on the porch that follows Samuel Sayer's death, Katharine Hepburn is obviously lit differently depending on the camera angle; in close-ups her chest is fully shadowed, while in the wider angles (with Bogey in frame or not), light reaches the first button of her dress. (00:17:25)


25th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: After the death of her brother, Katharine Hepburn is sitting on the porch. The knitting kit on the table is showing some blue fabric peeking off the lid, and there's a reel next to it. In the close-up that follows, white fabric is showing (the blue one is on the opposite side, barely visible) and the distance of the reel has changed. (00:16:20)


25th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: The reverend shoves aside a German officer and gets smacked in the face with a rifle. Robert Morley sports heavy blue makeup, a not-so-believable instant ecchymosis. In the next scene the village ruins are still smoking, but his face is clean; the bad bruise and little cut on the lip have vanished without a trace. (00:12:00)


25th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: The reverend and his sister get on their knees to pray for England as Allnut leaves with the news of war. Reverend Sayer has his jacket unbuttoned; hearing the shout from the villager announcing the Germans' arrival, his blazer is suddenly buttoned up when he rushes to talk to him. (00:11:00)


25th Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Revealing mistake: Outside the church, Allnut tosses a cigar down knowing it will attract the natives. Notice how one extra, one of the first to arrive, grabs the cigar right away, but still pretends like everyone else to be looking for it left and right with great clamor, so that the scene can continue. (00:04:35)


22nd Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Ship Captain: By the authority invested in me by Kaiser William II, I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution. (01:42:10)


21st Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Continuity mistake: Allnut is having his gin waving the bottle under Rose's nose; as he asks "You're gonna have one, Miss?" there's a close-up of Katharine Hepburn' holding the handkerchief to her face, unlike the previous and following shot. (00:29:30)


21st Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

The African Queen mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Look closely the bottom of the screen when Rose screams seeing the leeches on Charlie: some black piece of equipment (it's not a stain on film or lens) pops up slightly and hovers a little before going out of frame again. (01:17:50)


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