
19th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: The new Bosley goes for a hug after reporting Edgar's demise. You can see as the hug begins that the sunglasses are not in Elizabeth Banks ' left hand, but it's where they end up when she says that "hugs work." (00:27:50)


19th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Sabina is so shocked by the explosion that she lets go the battered villain who is very slowly walking away from it, in the overhead shot the bike is in a different spot (almost entirely into the driveable section of the road). More importantly, said villain is nowhere to be seen already, but he detonated the bomb at distance from the bike, 2 of the large tiles away from it, with each tile taking at least 3-4 of his dragged steps. He should still be there. (00:25:55)


19th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: While Jane, ejected from the back of the car, is underwater trying to open the car door (for some reason), Kristen Stewart 'stunt double races with her bike towards the baddie. She is driving very close to the SUV and past it, but when we see the bike slide down the street the car is at distance; it's further down the road and it's nowhere as close to the smooth part of the pavement as it is in the approaching shot. (00:25:30)


19th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: The standoff between the evil hipster and the fake waitress ends because of the safety mechanism of the gun; the guy tilts the gun to the side to check what is going on in two separate shots. (00:21:50)


19th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: The duel between Jane and the deadly hipster in Hamburg has a moment of standoff when he blocks the table she kicked towards him, and they both look at the guns on the floor. Notice how in that shot the table is at distance from the chairs, but in the overhead shot that follows it is really close, to the point that the bowl that Jane knocked over is on the chair. (00:21:10)


15th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Revealing mistake: In the semi-POV shot showing Elena's face as the SUV rams into their getaway car, the passenger window is open - which would make no sense in the heated car chase with bullets flying all over the place, and is not consistent with the rest of the scene either. Just helps filming. (00:24:35)


15th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Jane is ejected from the car thumping against the channel's edge, in the shot with the camera positioned in the 'car' with a clean view of Ella Balinska flailing her limbs around, we see her fall with a relatively low parable, but she plunges into the river at great distance from the car. (00:24:50)


15th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: During the car chase in Hamburg, the Angels' car take a sharp turn at the end of a tunnel. The left half of the road is in the shadows, but in the shot dedicated to the pursuing SUV making the same turn, the road is entirely in direct sunlight. (00:23:25)


15th Mar 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: Hodak kicks a second table at Jane in the overhead shot. He knocks over a pink lamp that was not there a moment before and keeps appearing and disappearing, together with the one in the neighbouring table. (00:21:15)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Stupidity: After a brawl with gunshots exploded in the cafe, and having just seen Jane pull from the backseat a huge gun, Elena is shocked that the bad guy is shooting at the car and even asks "OMG, is he shooting at us?" How does a line like that make any sense, already late in a chase with weapons involved from the beginning? (00:20:45 - 00:22:40)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Stupidity: The bad guy who spies on Bosley is visible from the very beginning of the scene, when Elena is not even inside the cafe yet. The cafe does not have many customers and the bad guy is using a loud vintage typewriter with a big mirror mounted on top (!). The Angels are portrayed as being super smart and their setup is so careful, but somehow they managed to miss something amazingly obvious. Conversely, nobody would have ever paid attention to a laptop or any silent, modern-age device perhaps with a camera or something similar, so the bad guy chose the most blatantly conspicuous accoutrement for his spying job. Try showing up to a cafe punching the keys of a big clunky typewriter and literally everyone will be looking at you. (00:18:25)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: In Hamburg, Elena is showing the USB pen to Bosley by opening the newspaper; the cup of coffee faces opposite directions between shots. (00:20:00)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the formal introduction of Sabina and Jane, Sabina wraps her fist around the bottom rope of the ring asking "Who's the client", but in the reverse shot her hand is at an angle and does not clutch the rope. (00:18:10)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Kirsten Stewart goes on with the fun factoids about Hamburg and Frankfurt, she straightens her body and is no longer leaning against the second rope, but rather grabs it with both hands. The rest of the sequence is consistent with this position change, but there's an odd shot (the one with Ella Balinska saying "I recall it was time to go") where Sabina is in the wrong position, leaning against the rope. (00:17:45)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: After the sparring session in the ring, Bosley is wrapping Jane's fists. Sabina Wilson approaches and leans against the ropes; Jane's right hand is down her hip, but at the cut she has that hand up. Moreover, she turns towards Sabina and even walks a few steps towards her, but at the next cut she is still facing Bosley and has yet to even turn in the right direction. (00:17:25)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: Closing the first planned part of the demo for Calisto, Fleming says that "Brock industries can power the world." Time for applause; Elena behind him is applauding in the wider shot, but at the cut, with the same uninterrupted applause sound going on, she is holding still and her device switched hand from the right to left. (00:15:30)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Bosley toasts with all the other Bosleys saying "To all of you", the black Bosley behind him (in front of the London screen) raises the glass holding by the rim, but lowers it holding it by the stem. (00:13:50)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Continuity mistake: In the meeting in Peter Fleming's office, Elena gets dismissed with "Thank you for coming in." Naomi Scott has her left arm outstretched, then she is just now bringing it forward, then it's the other arm. (00:08:25)


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Other mistake: The intro is capped by something supposedly cool but hilarious for the wrong reasons; Kirsten Stewart gets thrown off the top of a building (just for funzies) by her colleague; she emerges though a few seconds later, barefoot on the landing skid of a helicopter. Besides praising her luck for not getting chopped by the blades, the quality of the CGI of the helicopter is low, and while it's a movie cliche to have helicopters definitely quieter than their RL counterparts, here it's strikingly absurd; a helicopter a few meters away from a skyscraper would have not just alerted the baddies, but rattled every window and cutlery on the table; here they make just barely enough wind to puff the curtains leaving undisturbed Tang's hair and Patrick Stewart's jacket.


21st Feb 2020

Charlie's Angels (2019)

Other mistake: The Angels do a clean sweep of all the bad guys, tie them up and put their heads in bags. It's kind of a plot point that they have all the baddies perfectly packed up and ready for delivery. However when Bosley makes his entrance, there's a guy in the elevator he leaves behind, the door closes and nobody 'bags' and/or ties him up. He's just unaccounted for. (00:05:10)


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