
Bug: The moves of the WWE fighters that involve hitting a grounded opponent (The People's Elbow, the Five Knuckle Shuffle, etc) more often than not don't actually connect with the opponent but are way off target even when damage is calculated.


17th May 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Saint Seiya: Awakening mistake picture

Bug: Jango's profile contains a mistake; a trivia question ended up in field where the voice actor (CV) would be listed.


15th May 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Saint Seiya: Awakening mistake picture

Bug: In the greeting/flavour text messages the main character says on the main screen, sometimes system text in Japanese takes the place of the proper message.


Bug: In the arcade, after defeating Billy Kane there is no win quote - just empty space where it's supposed to be. Home versions fix that.


28th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Saint Seiya: Awakening mistake picture

Bug: The description of the item "Divine Steel" is wrong - somehow a trivia question ("Where did Mu get his training to China?") slipped in instead.


23rd Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Saint Seiya: Awakening mistake picture

Bug: During the Poseidon Challenge, sometimes your opponent's damage report can come up as untranslated Japanese text.


14th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Bug: In the quest to "Find Kiki the troublemaker" you have to find Kiki in a random location in the Townlet. In case you answer the trivia question wrongly, the dialogue says that you have to find him again. But Kiki does not respawn anywhere else, so you can simply click on him again, as he is still standing in front of you.


Bug: During the town and camp scenes, the pathfinding has multiple problems and often clicking directly on the character you want to speak to and that is properly highlighted with the halo popping around them only makes you walk behind them or not move at all, despite the lack of any obstacle.


Bug: On particular occasions (such as stepping on your own landmine at the end of a turn), a character can become permanently stunned. Their skills can be used, if you click past the 'Stunned' sign that partially covers the UI, but they will stay unable to move.


Bug: A real bug about bugs; the drone enemies (the small critters that explode upon death) can randomly occupy the same tile as another character, and still attack from there without being hit - the original occupant of the tile absorbs the damage.


5th Apr 2020

Queen of Thieves

Bug: In the prologue, you can visit the catacombs from the very beginning, which means, before Joanne gets any magical dream about them which prompts the dialogue box to visit them.


Bug: The game can be played in auto mode, but not the penalty kicks, which are supposed to require interaction from the player. However, if you hit the pause icon, you can access the menu and enable auto mode also for that part of the game.


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