
21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Josh is watching over the tied-up Butcher, he's sitting on the couch, eating snacks and watching TV. If you look, you can see he has a cut on his face to the side of his mouth. When he gets up to get a snack, the cut suddenly vanishes and is missing for the rest of the scene. The actor must have cut their face right before they shot the couch bit, and then the rest of the scene was filmed either after it healed, or before it happened.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Char begins chasing the car with Millie, Nyla and Josh, they are on an empty road and there are no other cars around. Instantly between cuts, they are suddenly on a different road, in a different area, and there are a ton of cars around. Char started chasing them almost instantly, so there's not enough time for them to suddenly be on a different road in a different area.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Butcher (in Millie's body) attacks her shop teacher, he throws her to the ground, and she drops the screwdriver literally right next to her head. It then disappears in the next few shots you see her. Then, when she gets up, it reappears in the wide shot, but is suddenly about three feet to the other side of where she dropped it. Sure, she's moving around a little... but she doesn't move around enough for it to suddenly be several feet on the other side of her.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Millie (in the Butcher's body) chases Nyla and Josh into the kitchen, Nyla turns around and Josh is not near her. But then in the next two shots, suddenly Josh is right next to her on her left. He then disappears from Nyla's side when she grabs the mop, and reappears behind her in the next shot. The scene is cut very frantically, so it can be hard to notice at first, but it's very obvious if you look for it.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Butcher tackles Millie on the field, in the first shot he's on top of her, and she's flat on the ground. However, when it cuts to the side angle, the Butcher is already getting up and Millie has instantly turned onto her left side.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Millie is hiding beneath the bleachers and the Butcher is standing above her, pay attention. In the low-angle shots of the butcher, the air is clear. But in the shots that are parallel with him, there is some light precipitation visible in the air. (It looks like very light rain or snow.) It goes back and forth several times as it cuts between the two angles. It can be kinda hard to notice it at first, but once you see it, it's obvious.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Millie is outside the stadium, when she starts to sing "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain," she goes from facing her left to facing forward instantly between cuts.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Millie and her friends are talking in the theater, when Josh says "The Blissfield Butcher," watch Millie. Her hands are both down, but when the camera cuts, they are instantly up by her face. Then a few shots later, they're back down again.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: Around the time Millie enters shop class, her teacher starts clapping, and he's facing forward towards the class. When it cuts to a closer shot, he's instantly turned partway and is looking at the student who just presented his project.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Millie wakes up at the beginning, in the first shot her comforter is up near her chest. In the next shot, it's instantly down by her knees. And in the next shot, it's instantly up by her waist.


21st Feb 2022

Freaky (2020)

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, pay attention to Evan's girlfriend's glass. When Isaac gets up and goes inside, the amount of liquid in her glass slightly changes between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Zeke is messing with the drug dealer, he lays on his back and snaps a picture with the dealer's broken leg. When the camera cuts to a new angle, suddenly he's sat almost all the way up. (Presumably this was done to quicken the pacing of the scene, but it's still a mistake regardless).


Continuity mistake: When Zeke and William are investigating the scene of Bozwik's death, pay attention when Zeke says that's not sure the body was a bum. The forensics agent behind William goes from walking to the side, to walking to the back, to standing still and taking a photo instantly between cuts. It's out of focus in the background, so it can be hard to notice... but it's there.


Continuity mistake: When the cop tells Tree to drop the ax, she lets go of it and puts her hands up. However, her hands raise and lower instantly between cuts several times depending on the angle. On the angle facing her front, her hands are up by her head. But in the angle behind her, they are down by her shoulders.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning, when Bozwik is chasing the purse-snatcher, pay attention. Right before he says "Police! Freeze!," he's running by several people on his right... but when the camera cuts, they're gone.


Continuity mistake: The first time Tree is in the hospital, as she enters the room holding the ax with both hands, pay close attention - repeatedly between cuts, her left hand instantly rises and lowers several inches on the ax handle. This happens at least two or three times.


Continuity mistake: When Samar stands up and introduces himself to Danielle in the beginning, he has churro crumbs on the side of his mouth. When he sits back down, they are suddenly gone. He didn't wipe his face off - they just vanish between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Zeke gets to his apartment, as he puts away his gun, in the first shot his hand is still on the gun's grip... but when it cuts, suddenly his hand is about 6" lower on his holster.


Continuity mistake: A few times during the opening trap, the barbed-wire around Bozwik's wrist disappears and reappears, or swaps wrists between cuts. Ex. When the train rounds the corner before he's hit, in the shot behind him you can see the barbed-wire flopping around in front of him... but when it cuts to the front angle, suddenly it's gone.


Continuity mistake: Bozwik's teeth bizarrely change shape during the opening trap. In the first closeup, he appears to have slightly small teeth with gaps between them. But about 30 seconds later, there's another closeup and his teeth are suddenly larger with no gaps. All I can assume is that the two closeups were shot with different prosthetics or body-doubles.


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