
Continuity mistake: After Santa says "yes" to the the little girl elf offering him a cookie, he takes the cookie in his right hand, but the next shot shows Santa holding it in his left hand.


Continuity mistake: After Lucy reminds Charlie that he loves his dad, she walks away and Charlie sees her as she walks off to his left, but the next shot shows Charlie looking to his right, away from Lucy.


Continuity mistake: Before Curtis announces, "The de-Santafication process has begun!", his arm is bent and his hand is holding on to the sleigh while standing a distance away (rear shot of him) but when he says the line his arm is by his side and standing much closer to the sleigh (frontal shot).


Continuity mistake: The head of the elf who asks Santa if he wants a cookie instantly moves between the up and down positions as the shot perspectives cut.


Continuity mistake: As Scott and Tracy converse before dinner in the restaurant, a plate with a butter knife on it moves back and forth from nearer to Tracy to nearer to Scott as the scene cuts.


Continuity mistake: During Scott and Tracy's dinner date, Scott's right hand instantly alternates being on the table to off as the scene cuts to different views.


Continuity mistake: After Bernard is finished giving his speech to the elves about the new Santa, the elves standing behind him turn and disperse twice.


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