
The Night of the Bubbling Death - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: West describes to Artie his movements through the fortress using a model of the structure sitting on a table with a green table cloth and gold trim. West's left hand is resting on the table, as is a clear glass dish, as well. Close ups show the model close to the edge where the dish was and West's left hand on his thigh.


The Night Dr. Loveless Died - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: Eatlier, West smashes the window and removes the drape so he and Liebnicht can escape. Later, when Artie and Triste arrive at the same window, the glass and the drape are not gone, but intact as if West never caused the damage.


28th Sep 2016

Last Man Standing (2011)

Continuity mistake: The broom Kelsey holds as he relates the story of the Simmons' house to Luther changes position from his hand to the crook of his shoulder then back to his hand.


The Night of the Bubbling Death - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Once West crosses the acid bath, he leaves a small piece of rope hanging from the zip line. Later, when he meets Artie to recross over the acid bath, the rope has grown to about three feet in length. Artie was too far away (and did not have the equipment to cross) for him to change its length.


The Horse Race - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: When Galen, Burke, and Virdon enter the village, Gregor's hands are far apart grasping the bars of the prison cart as they pass. Quick cut back to Gregor and his hands are closer together, holding bars that are next to each other.


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