
14th Jan 2007

Congo (1995)

Corrected entry: When Charles Travis is waiting for Jeffrey, in the first shot he's sitting on the steps of Zinj, then standing, and then he sits down again. (00:06:15)


Correction: The scene is not shown in real time - Charles is there for quite some time waiting for Jeffrey, which is why he is getting so impatient and shouts that they have to link up with Houston in ten minutes.


16th Jan 2007

Congo (1995)

Corrected entry: When Homolka looks outside the plane door [before jumping] he puts his right hand on the doorside. In the next shot it's his left hand. (00:38:50)


Correction: He places both hands on the doorsides, one on each side.


24th Jan 2007

Congo (1995)

Corrected entry: Karen asks Charles' if she can have his co-ordinates for a later link-up. However later we see her able to operate the camera herself remotely.


Correction: When Karen said to Charles "send me your coordinates", it was under the impression that the expedition would be moving towards the source of the river and the diamond mine. Had everything gone normal, the expedition would move, and new coordinates would have to be given so they could link up again. Karen could later remotely use the camera because coordinates had not changed, and it was still in its previous location.


28th Nov 2008

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Edward and Bella are at the meadow, and the sunlight hits Edward, causing his skin to sparkle like crystals, not all of his exposed skin sparkles, just his face. But his neck/chest does not sparkle at all even though his skin is exposed here.


Correction: They do to sparkle, it is just difficult to see because of poor light and shadows.

27th Jul 2008

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Corrected entry: After Tanya and Rosie have arrived and Donna and them walk up the steps and across the courtyard, much of the audio heard is out of sync with the actor's lips.


Correction: I've checked this carefully and it isn't true.

18th Jun 2007

Dead Like Me (2003)

Correction: Breakfast food at a diner doesn't take much time to prepare and this restaurant had an excellent cook.

3rd Apr 2006

Zathura (2005)

Corrected entry: After the meteor shower, the two boys walk outside. Through the left window we can see the whole living room with the walls and furniture intact, even though the whole room was previously destroyed.


Correction: The living room was in the BACK of the house, directly behind the entry way. What you're seeing through that window is their father's office, which was not affected by the meteor shower.

11th Jan 2005

Jumanji (1995)

Corrected entry: When Alan arrives home with the Jumanji game, he starts to examine it in his lounge, then his Mother enters, and he slides the board game under the sofa. Then after he talks to his Mum, the camera cuts back to the game sitting under the sofa, yet now it is facing the other way, i.e has rotated 180°. You can clearly see this, because the board game has "JUMANJI" written on it, and the writing faces different directions in these two different shots. (00:08:50)


Correction: The game is in the same position under the sofa until Alan goes to get it after he decides to run away.

Corrected entry: In the ending shot, as everyone is leaving and walking down the path, Luna is walking behind Hermione. Then she comes from behind and is walking beside her, yet when it cuts, Luna is now back behind Hermione and out-of-sight.


Correction: Just before the first shot cuts away, in which the camera moves to directly in front of Hermione, Luna never comes up from behind Hermione and walks beside her, she still remains behind her when it cuts away. In the second shot, the camera is positioned to Hermione's right, directly in front of Ron, and because of the angle change Luna can't easily be seen behind Hermione.

Super Grover

19th Jun 2007

Barbarella (1968)

Corrected entry: After the two girls throw the snowball at Barberella, which knocks her out, the amount of snow on Barbarella's face and hair changes, and once they start being sledded across the ice, the snow on her has completely gone.


Correction: Which can happen as the snow melts from body heat.

30th Jan 2006

Will & Grace (1998)

Correction: Perhaps the music we hear is simply from a trailer for Titanic, followed by the ninety minute film which gave Will so much trouble.

13th Nov 2005

Thirteen Ghosts (2001)

Corrected entry: As Arthur and Kalina discover that Kathy has disappeared, one of the walls moves when they lean on it. (00:52:50)


Correction: They are leaning on a glass wall on a track, not entirely a sturdy thing to lean on so of course its going to move.

3rd Dec 2004

Scooby-Doo (2002)

Corrected entry: When Daphne is holding onto the front of the theme-park car, she chants "I'm not helpless, I'm not helpless" but in the wideshot of her saying this, her teeth are clenched together! (00:29:05)


Correction: It's perfectly possible to say that with your teeth clenched together.


17th Mar 2006

Lilo & Stitch (2002)

Corrected entry: At one point during "He Mele No Lilo", the two older Hula dancers at the left switch places, after that they switch back to their original places.


Correction: The dancers on the right also switch. Perhaps they actually change places in the dance during the cut-aways.

Corrected entry: After Harold knocks the clothesline pole down, as he is putting it back up, he looks over to the camera. (00:08:05)


Correction: He does not look over to the camera. He is looking at his wife who is yelling at him.


Correction: We just see her pulling the headcloth off before it cuts back to her and Paul. We never see where she drops the headcloth.


Corrected entry: When Rennie and Sean make it out onto the streets, in one shot the camera pans around Jason. As it does, if you look across the street you can see a massive crowd of people watching the filming. (01:22:55)


Correction: How do you see this? All I see is a New York City street that is always crowded. There are numerous large crowds everywhere they go. how do you know tis perticular crowd is watching the filming? Doesn't look like it to me.


2nd Feb 2005

Hook (1991)

Corrected entry: When Hook inspects Peter, he looks at his scar, and in a closeup the area surrounding the scar is very hairy. Yet in later parts of the film, such as when the Lost Boys paint Peter's body, the area around the scar, as well as the rest of his body, is smooth and hairless!! The proportions of the scar differ in these shots as well. (00:42:25 - 01:05:20)


Correction: The Lost Boys must have shaved him off-camera sometime before they painted the smiley face on his torso (which we also don't see them do).

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Hermione hits Ron with her spell, as he flies back you can briefly see the wire guiding him as he flying backwards.


Correction: Actually, no wire is visible during these shots.

Super Grover

14th Nov 2005

Thirteen Ghosts (2001)

Corrected entry: At the end when the family sees their mom on the spinning wheel, she is on the wrong marker. She is actually standing on The Torso's spot, not her own. (01:21:55)


Correction: After the the machine is destroyed, including the tape with the magic spell that binds the ghosts to a certain spot, it doesn't matter anymore where she stands.

Wasn't the Torso the only other harmless ghost? Or more or less harmless? This may be an easter egg.

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