The Dark Knight

Factual error: Despite the stunt looking really cool, the flipping of the tractor trailer simply would not have occurred as shown. Assuming Batman does exactly what we see regarding the cable, the truck would have just torn the cable out of the asphalt along with the lamp posts, barely being slowed by them. Ignoring this, if the cable's anchor held firm, the cable would more likely break. Failing that, the truck would simply, abruptly stop. But in no case is it capable of generating the force required to make the trailer rise up and turn with the entire rig over its own front end. Further, the tractor and trailer are not a single, rigid piece as shown. The two pieces would form a "V" while in the flip due to the trailer lagging behind the tractor as it rotates over. Once bent, the hitch would fail and the trailer would drop back on its wheels.


The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene where Alfred tends to Bruce's bite wounds, the angle cuts several times between Alfred and Bruce. When the camera is on Alfred, Bruce is mostly looking down towards the wound. When the camera is on Bruce, he looks straight at the camera. (00:12:25)

Christoph Galuschka

Continuity mistake: When Batman throws the Joker over himself and off of the building he catches him with his rope gun, in the first shot two cables are shown holding him up and in the next there is only one.

The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Batman appears in the bank vault, Ramirez looks to Gordon. The scene cuts to Gordon, who acknowledges her to leave the vault. When the scene cuts back again she is already a few meters behind Batman. There's not enough time for her to cover the distance. (00:10:15)

Christoph Galuschka

Continuity mistake: In the interrogation scene just before Batman slams the Joker's head into the table, it can be observed that the Joker's nails are somewhat long. However, as the scene escalates to where the Joker's back is against the wall and he's clutching Batman's forearms, the Joker's nails are short.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Batman is interrogating the Joker at the police station, Jokers make-up smears and is rubbed off when he rubs his forehead (after Batman slammed it into the table). Batman later in the same scene strikes the Joker in the face. He should have some make-up on his gloves left, yet does not.

Continuity mistake: When the three men in the clown masks are in the van at the start of the film the man at the back (who is the joker) is getting ready for the heist the shot cuts to the two men in the front seats and he is just relaxing in the back. (00:02:00)


Continuity mistake: When the Joker is about to burn his half of the money he walks up to the Chechen and says something and then in the very next shot the Joker walks up to him again.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the mob wearing Joker masks are attempting to zip-line from one building to another, one guy shoots a harpoon at the other building. After being shot, the harpoon never makes it beyond a couple of meters, before it begins to fall down due to gravity. And it doesn't even seem to have enough energy to make it to its target. But in the following scene, the zip-line is shown to be well anchored to the other building. (00:01:55)


Continuity mistake: When Reese is in the police SUV and Gordon is talking to the cop who's wife is in a hospital, the cop is sitting in the front passenger seat holding his gun away from his body, towards the driver's seat (the barrel goes up and to the right). When the shot changes to Gordon, you see a gun barrel in the foreground going up and to the left as if it was coming from the driver's seat.

Continuity mistake: After the opening robbery, Gordon enters the vault, and we see the nearest cart on the left has nothing on top of it. But a moment later as Gordon is next to that cart, he drops a file on the cart, next to a stack of money that has appeared out of nowhere.


Continuity mistake: When Lucius Fox is showing Bruce Wayne the new Batman gear, Bruce picks up an arm plate, activates it, six blades flip up and shoot out. We can see as it happens that deep 'holes' in the arm plate show where the blades had been. A second later, when he returns the arm plate to the drawer, the bat-shaped blades are back inside the arm plate, as it is nearly smooth again just like the second arm plate next to it. Two additional arm plates are shown futher to our right with their blades standing up.

Continuity mistake: When the joker is explaining to Rachel how he got his scars a piece of confetti is under his nose, then it is gone, then it is back under his nose.

Continuity mistake: In the final fight, Batman shoots the blades out of his gauntlet to knock the detonator out of the Joker's hand. About a half second later, Batman throws Joker over him and off the ledge. If you pay attention, the blades have reappeared on Batman's gauntlet for this one quick shot. They are then appropriately missing for the rest of the scene. (This mistake goes by quickly, so slow motion helps but is NOT required.)


Continuity mistake: One of the batpod arms guards/shields covering the handles falls off when Batman hits the truck when trying to avoid hitting the Joker. It's on the floor after that stunt, but when the Joker walks towards Batman, it's not there and gets reattached. (01:22:17)

Continuity mistake: As the joker loads the second RPG we see the garbage truck back away from the SWAT van by a few feet. Camera changes to the rear of the SWAT van and the garbage truck is touching it again. (01:13:45)


Continuity mistake: When Alfred finds a match to the fingerprint we see Bruce pushing the motorbike in the background. Camera cut and Bruce has stopped pushing the bike, got on, and is sorting his helmet out. (00:58:10)


The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know what the thing about chaos is? It's fair.

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More trivia for The Dark Knight

Question: How did the bomb at MCU leave everyone else totally incapacitated, while the Joker was completely unharmed? I know he has remarkable tolerance for pain, but come on! Also, if he was wearing some kind of protective clothing, they would have discovered it. So how did all the cops get knocked out while the Joker just walked away?

Answer: Look where he's standing just before it goes off. The Joker's carefully positioned himself close to a set of heavy filing cabinets, which are between him and the blast, protecting his legs and almost all of his torso. As the bomb goes off, you can see him duck his head down, allowing the blast to pass him by almost completely. He gets to walk away unscathed because the blast never really hits him.


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