
Continuity mistake: Elektra throws the sai at Bullseye, he catches it and throws it back. You see it pierce her right hand and when she turns to jump, in the next shot she's using the sai in her right hand.

Factual error: A few seconds into the fight between Kingpin and DD, the Kingpin grabs DD and throws him against a wall (horizontally, shortly after the vertical throw). However, the point in the arc at which the kingpin lets go would send DD to the left of the camera. DD flies to the right, as if the Kingpin had held on longer.

Revealing mistake: When Elektra is fighting Daredevil on the rooftops, at one point he's on a different building, and she screams and jumps across the gap. There are a few problems, however. For one, she floats across the gap. The way she moves and how she stays in the air give away the fact that she's on wires. Another is that it is a very big gap between the two buildings. There's no way anyone could have made that jump normally, especially since the building she's jumping onto is roughly the same height as the one she's jumping from. Finally, the way she lands is impossible. She lands perfectly on her feet, without any stumbling, crouching, or having to slow down. Very sloppy stunt work.

Continuity mistake: When Electra and Matt are fighting in the playground, Electra throws her jacket on the ground and during the scene the jacket moves around.

Revealing mistake: When Matt's father has died and Matt touches his face, you can see that a vein is throbbing on the father's neck.

Factual error: When the sniper shoots through Bullseye's hands he holds them up and there is smoke coming from them. Bullet holes don't smoke (unless you get shot with a tracer round and traces of phosphorus are still burning, but that is not the case here). (01:25:35)


Continuity mistake: In the final scene where the reporter sees DD on a rooftop and bidding him "Good Luck", DD then runs away the next shot shows him jumping off a building. It's very high but the previous shot only showed him on top of a 3-5 storey building.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where you see Daredevil entering his apartment from the roof, when he takes off his mask his eyes are brown, with no sign of his blindness at all.

Revealing mistake: When Elektra and Matt are fighting in the playground, Matt goes to grab his staff/cane from the bench, but just as he is about to grab it his arm stops and a second later Elektra kicks his arm out of the way.

Continuity mistake: In the sex scene, during one of the first few shots you can see the fireplace, and it is on Ben's right. During the last shot, as they move the camera up to view the fireplace, the fire is on Ben's left.

Factual error: When Bullseye is flying from the UK to New York, the exterior shot of the plane shows a Boeing 737 (you can tell by the flat-bottom engine nacelles), but the interior shot of the stewardess shows they are in a widebody plane, which a 737 is not. Also, while not stated, the implication is this is a transactlantic flight (UK to NY), and the older 737s with the flat-bottom nacelles (the "classic" models) cannot fly that distance. (00:56:20)


Factual error: After Matt beats down King Pin, he throws a rose off the roof and says. "This is for you, dad." The rose then spins and falls in various positions, hitting petals first on the ground. This would not be how it fell. The petals are light, and the stem heavier. Plus, the petals would have more air resistance. The rose would have fallen stem first the full way down and landed on that.

Quantom X

Factual error: Even with a highly sensitive sense of smell, Matt could not possibly have smelled Electra walking down the street towards the diner that he and his friend were sitting in. There was no evidence of wind, as judging by her hair, and she had not even opened the door yet. Without wind, the air particles, which would carry her sent would follow behind her in a wake. They could not have gotten to the door ahead of her without wind, much less get though a closed door for Matt to smell her.

Quantom X

Other mistake: Young Matt is awakened in the hospital by the drops from the IV machine which is next to the bed on his left side, yet he has no IV attached to him. You see the bag hanging from the stand but there are no tubes running from the machine. (00:08:35 - 00:09:40)


Daredevil mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bullseye stabs Elektra it cuts to a view where you can see the sai go into her stomach and out her back. Then they go to a close up of Elektra's face to show the agonizing pain she is feeling. When they zoom back out, Bullseye still has the sai pressed up against her belly, but yet it's not sticking out of her back. Then he finally pulls the sai out of her stomach.


Continuity mistake: In the first church scene when Daredevil drops to the church floor, his cane falls to the floor immediately afterwards. However, towards the end of the flashback sequence when he falls to the floor, his cane never hits the ground, though it is given ample time to do so.

Audio problem: When Bullseye leans in at the end of his conversation with Kingpin and says, 'I want a bloody costume,' read his lips. They don't say 'bloody.' They say 'f***ing'. (01:07:40)


Continuity mistake: In the first cafe scene right before Elektra comes in, Matt's partner hands him mustard instead of honey. While squirting the mustard, some drips off the container and onto the lip of the mug, but when Matt switches the mugs, it's gone.

Continuity mistake: When Electra is kneeling next to her father's body he's lying on a bunch of papers from the "New York Post" truck, but they look like regular paper, not newspaper type paper. (01:03:26)


More quotes from Daredevil

Trivia: There is a funny scene in between the credits of Bullseye in the hospital, so keep watching when the credits roll.

More trivia for Daredevil

Question: What is the name of the song that comes on when Ben Affleck wakes up and turns on the radio?

Answer: Hang on, by Seether.

More questions & answers from Daredevil

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