xXx: Return of Xander Cage

Continuity mistake: When we see Serena for the 1st time leaning against the column she is wearing high heeled black boots. Later when she is on the beach after Xander took Pandora's Box, she is wearing low square heeled boots.

Continuity mistake: Just before Ruby Rose spins down from her sniper shot, it's still night time. As she comes down it's suddenly much brighter, and very seconds later as the chase continues, it's broad daylight.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When the gang bids a silent farewell to Xander, look at Nicks in his close-up; in the background, Tennyson Torch is turning around towards his right, but in his own close-up, Tennyson turns towards his left, and Becky is close to him while she was nowhere in sight before. (01:33:10)


xXx: Return of Xander Cage mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Tennyson's 200th crash selfie, we see Xiang chased by Xander. When Xiang tumbles in the alley, on top of a dumpster there's a carton half filled with green and white bottles. When he kicks it in Xander's face, the carton is filled with just green bottles. (01:10:00)


Continuity mistake: In Detroit, Serena tells Xander the story of how she was enrolled in the XXX program. She just mentioned Gibbons' quote about the lion. The wind rustles strong through Deepika Padukone's large mane in a reaction shot on a probably very envious Vin Diesel, but in the next shot her hair is suddenly still again. (01:03:35)


xXx: Return of Xander Cage mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the sequence when Adele Wolff disentangles herself from the makeshift harness she suspended herself in, the stunt double who spins around has much less fabric taped around her thighs compared to Ruby Rose's getup, and when it's Ruby Rose again shooting baddies close to the ground her richer double thigh draping is back. (00:54:50)


Continuity mistake: After the triple triple-X reveal, Xiang says "And I'll be damned if I am gonna let you take it back to the NSA", with both hands on the grenade. Reverse shot, and it's just his left hand. (00:50:00)


Continuity mistake: When Xiang tosses both granades back at Serena Unger and Xander Cage, Serena in the first shot holds the glass with her free left hand, in the second the same hand is flat on the table. (00:48:55)


Continuity mistake: When Serena says about the Pandora's Box "Power like that doesn't belong in anyone's hands" Donnie Yen has his right hand at his temple, but immediately after he has both hands under his chin, then his temple again. (00:47:40)


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the drinking game, Xander throws the liquor above his shoulder. Xiang then brings out the Pandora's Box; his left arm is flat on the table in the first shot, angled up in the second. (00:47:20)


Continuity mistake: During their first meeting, Xander and Serena hold each other at gunpoint; in fact after a quick switch, they get to a point when Xander has her gun at her head and she has his switchblade at his throat. The blade keeps changing position/angle between shots. (00:46:00)


Continuity mistake: XXX is bargaining with the guy at the docks of the hideout in the Caramoan Islands. The guy says "30% off the top" and pulls a lollipop out of his mouth. He is not putting it back even in the following reverse shot when Vin Diesel laughs at him, but there he is after that, with the lolli again in his mouth. Similarly, when Diesel says "Aaaall right, 22 and a half" the guy has his lollipop between the lips, but it's gone in the next shot. (00:39:55)


Continuity mistake: Cage and his group dock at the island in the Philippines and he begins to talk with the guy who asks him what do they want. He begins; "I heard this is a perfect place..." and a girl walks across, leans against the table with the others and puts her drink down. Next shot, the girl is drinking from the same glass she just put down. (00:39:25)


Continuity mistake: The debris on Tennyson Torch's car changes between shots when he gets out of the car after crashing it into the ATM. (00:33:35)


Continuity mistake: In the dialogue in their retreat in the Philippines Serena Unger with a gun in hand tells Xiang "That's the problem, you forgot the Queen." Between those two shots, the people walking in the background have changed. Same happens when she shoots - with everyone being remarkably unfazed, too. (00:27:40)


Continuity mistake: Ainsley sits down to listen what Xander has to say and puts her hair in a tail that goes in front of her shoulder. At the first cut during the phrase "You know, information like this doesn't have a price" there's an obvious sudden change of position between shots, as shown by the tail that goes down straight in the first shot and is caught in the bathrobe collar in the second. (00:23:40)


Continuity mistake: Ainsley slides towards Xander the data on the 'ghosts', but pulls it back before he can reach it. In the background, a woman is drinking from a cup, but in the next shot she's listening to another person with no cup in sight. (00:25:35)


Continuity mistake: Just before Ruby Rose spins down from her sniper shot, it's still night time. As she comes down it's suddenly much brighter, and very seconds later as the chase continues, it's broad daylight.

Jon Sandys

More mistakes in xXx: Return of Xander Cage

Augustus Gibbons: Let me simplify it for you. Kick some ass, get the girl, and try to look dope while you do it.
Xander Cage: I could definitely make that work.

More quotes from xXx: Return of Xander Cage

Trivia: This film marks the second occasion where Vin Diesel starred in an action film, opted out of the first sequel, and then returned in the third film. The first was the "Fast and the Furious" franchise - Diesel starred in the original, didn't appear in the second film, and then returned to the series with a surprise cameo in the third film and appearing in every subsequent sequel thereafter. Diesel has stated that should a fourth "xXx" be made, he will be back.


More trivia for xXx: Return of Xander Cage

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