Best movie mistake pictures of 1990

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Continuity mistake: The books and other items on the desk of the boy sitting behind Andy move about between shots, and the boys sleeves change from rolled up his arms to pulled down to the wrists too. (00:33:00)


More Child's Play 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the sequence with the Native Americans chasing the Delorean in the beginning, in one shot looking up at the sky you can see contrails from a plane, obviously not around in 1885. (00:19:25)


More Back to the Future Part III mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Kevin sits down with a meal before the Wet Bandits arrive at the house consisting of macaroni and cheese on a plate. When Harry eventually makes it to the dining room, he is pelted with feathers. Look at the table to the left. A three part microwave meal still in its white plastic container now sits on the plate.

More Home Alone mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Stuckey hits Vivian she rips his watch off. You can see it fly off to the left. When she bites him it's back on his wrist. Then when Edward pulls him off Vivian it's gone again. (01:00:20)

More Pretty Woman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Henry has just shown De Niro the guns and he returns to his car, you see him light up a cigarette. When the shot changes the cigarette has vanished. (01:54:45)

More Goodfellas mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When moving into their apartment Patrick Swazye kicks the statue to make it swing so they can get it inside. As they are looking at the statue, two moving men cross in back of them carring a mirror and as they pass you can see the director and camera crew in the reflection.

More Ghost mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Bruce Willis is emerging from an underground air-vent when the plane with General Esperanza is landing. Initially the plane is coming on a direct course for him and he struggles to get out. In fact the front wheel is on course with and knocks the vent cover. But in the very next scene, the tire marks clearly show the front wheel passed to the right of the vent and so completely missed it. (01:11:40)

More Die Hard 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Dr. Ross Jennings is trapped in the corner of the cellar, you can see that the tarantula which starts climbing up his leg has a huge black stick stuck to the back of its body, pushing it along. (01:36:05)

More Arachnophobia mistake pictures
More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Doug is running from the bad guys after finding out what was going on from his "wife", he tucks his big gun in to his jacket pocket. When he is running through the scanner, that big gun is now in his pants. (00:28:15)

Lynette Carrington

More Total Recall mistake pictures
More Dick Tracy mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: 35 minutes into the film, Cher enters her bedroom with a bowl in her right hand and a bottle in the left. When she gets into bed, both have switched hands.

More Mermaids mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kim is watching Edward cut the roses, in closeups she's quite close to the curtain, and it's hanging straight down. In the wide shot she's slightly further away, and the curtain is angled outwards because she's holding it back with her hand.

Jon Sandys

More Edward Scissorhands mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning of the film when the police car explodes and flips over, you can blatantly see stunt wires used to aid in flipping the car. (00:02:45)


More Predator 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: The Gremlin who throws the beaker full of acid has his arm operated by a stick, which is visible as he chucks the beaker. (01:08:05)

More Gremlins 2: The New Batch mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Look over Val's right shoulder as Rhonda is supposedly driving upside down with her legs sticking out the back window of the truck cab and you can see a man driving for her. (00:42:40)

More Tremors mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When a carload of bad guys drives past the front of Seagal's sister's house and riddles the front of the house with machine-gun fire, Seagal quickly slams the front door shut, and you can very clearly see all the stunt charges attached to the door.

More Marked For Death mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When McLeach is using Cody to fish for crocodiles, the hook fastened to the rope around Cody's waist can be seen facing different directions in various shots. (01:06:45 - 01:09:35)


More The Rescuers Down Under mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the Red October sub has surfaced to let the crew get off because of the supposed nuclear leak, there is a brief shot where you can clearly see the camera and its filming crew in their tennis shoes on the deck. (01:45:52)

More The Hunt for Red October mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the fight in the pool, Lyon's big tattoo on his chest disappears. You can see a very faint blue shadow on his chest from the previous make-up.


More Lionheart mistake pictures

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