Best movie questions of 1986

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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home picture

Question: What exactly was Scotty's reason as to why giving the Company boss the formula for the one inch glass wouldn't alter the future? He gave a brief response, but I honestly can't think of any reason why it wouldn't do any future damage.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They only give him a schematic of the molecule. The man even says, "It would take years to decipher the matrix", or something like that.

Chosen answer: Scotty says "Why? How do you know he didn't invent the thing!" If the man was in fact the inventor, this would only cause a slight causality loop problem - he "invents" it because they gave it to him, but they only know it because he "invented" it. However, since Sulu said earlier in the movie that it was about 150 years too early for transparent aluminum, it would seem they do know this, so it wasn't a smart thing to do. Of course, the real flaw in the plot is that they need the tank to be transparent at all.


Answer: The crew is resigned to the fact that their mission forces them to alter history in some fashion or another. McCoy just wants to acknowledge the gravity of their actions before they go ahead and do it, and Scotty's response is a cheeky way of reassuring him, "Hey, maybe it won't be that bad."


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Crocodile Dundee picture

Question: During the scene with "live it up" playing in the background, what was it and where were they? With Simone being there it is obviously full of hookers but was it a party, and if so, whose and why? The whole scene just feels weird.


Answer: It is a party thrown by one of Sue's socialite friends, presumably the husky-voiced woman whose crotch Mick grabs. The party is not "full of hookers", Simone is there as the hired escort of the old man she is dancing with, who Mick naively believes to be her father. We can assume the old man paid for Simone to be his date to the party and likely for some time alone with her afterwards. There is no stated reason for why the party is being thrown.


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Highlander picture

Question: How is the "no fighting on holy ground" rule enforced? I really can't see a guy like the Kurgan, who seems to have no sense of honor to speak of, following the rule willfully, unless there was some severe punishment for breaking the rule.

Answer: What the punishment is isn't shown in this movie, but since even the Kurgan follows it, it must be high. In Highlander 3 we see that fighting on holy ground at least destroys the weapons they are fighting with (although only Macleod's for some reason), it's possible the ultimate penalty is given when an immortal kills another immortal on holy ground. A good guess is the penalty is death.


Answer: The "No Fighting on Holy Ground" is considered a sacred rule. Like being quiet in church, a funeral or any religious service. If any immortal would break this rule he was not be honorable and not subject to any of the other rules. Like fighting one on one and using hired thugs to capture an immortal holding him down to take his head.

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Blue Velvet picture

Question: When Jeffrey and Sandy are discussing where Isabella Rossellini lived, it is mentioned that she lived on the 7th floor of the apartment building. When they show the outside of the building it appears to have only 4 floors. Was this symbolic or an oversight?

Answer: There's probably not any symbolic meaning, despite the number seven having multiple magical connotations to it. Most likely, this is just a movie inconsistency.


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The Golden Child picture

Question: Does anybody know why Sardo Numspa can't pronounce J's? Such as when he pronounces Chandler Jarell as Yarell. I've looked but can't seem to find any explanation.

Answer: A lot of non english speaking countries have trouble pronouncing the letter J as it does not appear in their alphabet. It is a fairly recent addition to the english language too. Previously words that now start with a J would have began with an "I" sound as in "Iarell".

dgemba dgemba

More The Golden Child questions
Critters picture

Question: Any particular reason why they chose not to have the Krites grow huge in the sequels?

Answer: Maybe it's because they didn't have the budget where they could afford to do such an idea.


More Critters questions
Heartbreak Ridge picture

Question: Why was the platoon making such a big deal about wearing shirts during their exercises? I would think they would be better off wearing shirts so they would not get a sunburn. So what was the big deal?


Chosen answer: Gunny Highway insisted that they all wear the same shirts as he himself was wearing. If they showed up in a different one, he made them go shirtless. The reasons for this were 1) to break through their rebellious attitudes and teach them to follow his orders, 2) to make them look and feel unified, and 3) to develop resourcefulness and adaptability in them.


To also display esprit de corp to other units gaining them respect from those units as well as command leadership.

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The Color of Money picture

Question: I'm really confused by Eddie's behaviour. Why did he suddenly decide to abandon Vincent and Carmen. And why couldn't he just take the money at the end (and maybe give it to charity if he didn't want it as Carmen suggested). Why did he unnecessarily have to turn it into an issue with Vincent?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Because it wasn't about the money or a personal issue with Vincent. Eddie had a sudden realization about his own integrity and what he was doing (helping to rig games' outcome to skew betting odds). He wanted to win legitimately against Vincent. Earlier, he had become rather fed up with Vincent's egotistical nature and arrogance, which led to them parting ways.


More The Color of Money questions
Space Camp picture

Question: If Lea Thompson wasn't strapped in during a launch, wouldn't she have suffered more than a couple of bruises from her body being wrapped around a steel column and being under 3G+ during the launch scene?

Answer: Not necessarily. The 3 G's pretty well kept her pinned, so she wasn't bouncing around. If someone can fall 18,000 ft out of an airplane with only a sprained leg (one of several examples) then yes it's theoretically possible. If the guy in this story could withstand 42 g's strapped in, the yes Katherine could've survived 3 g's.


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Poltergeist II: The Other Side picture

Question: Why did Kane want to abduct Carol Anne so badly and what would he have been able to do if he succeeded?

Answer: He is in the first movie and is referred to as "The Beast." In this movie he is in his human form and he want Carol-Anne because he believes that she can lead him and his people into the light and crossover from this world to a better place.

More Poltergeist II: The Other Side questions
Transformers: The Movie picture

Question: I know that two of Blaster's cassette robots are called Cubbie and Bolts, but what are the other two's names?

Answer: Actually, you are wrong about the first two. The cassettes are: Eject (robot), Grand Slam (tank), Raindance (jet), Ramhorn (rhino), Rewind (robot), and Steeljaw (lion).

Bruce Minnick

More Transformers: The Movie questions
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives picture

Question: Why did Jason go into the children's cabin the first and second times? And why did he just draw close to Nancy when she saw him?


Chosen answer: The first and second visits are unexplained. However he drew close to Nancy to install fear in her.


Answer: Yes, I don't believe he was trying to scare her; I think he was just looking at her out of genuine curiosity.

Answer: In all his attacks he's never killed children, it's like he's never seen them before. Plus, it's almost he trying to recall memories of what he's looking at. "Where have I seen these little people before."

The children might possibly remind Jason of his own days at the camp when he was a child, before he drowned.

More Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives questions
House picture

Question: What is Cobb watching on the TV after his first war flashback, right before the kid appears in the window?

Answer: That's the horror movie Don't Look in the Basement (1973), at its own timecode 01:09:30 within that movie.

Super Grover

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Slaughter High picture

Question: The bullies think there is a real high school reunion going on. Yet having sat outside the boarded up and abandoned school for 3 hours, they do not seem in the least surprised and begin to doubt a reunion is taking place. They are not suspicious even when they have to break a window to get in to the school.Surely they would be suspicious by then and not go in?


Answer: Some people are not the brightest button in the box. If wanting something enough they will overlook the obvious.


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F/X (1986)

F/X picture

Question: Lipton the Justice Department official tells Rollie Tyler, "I really admired your stuff, ever since 'Vermin from Venus.'" Rollie's female assistant responds, "That's the one that got him deported from Australia." My question is how could Rollie have been deported from Australia, when he was born, raised and lived his whole life there? Where would he have been deported to?


Answer: It was most likely a joke, the movie was so horrible it gave Rollie a bad reputation and probably got him blacklisted.

More F/X questions

Chosen answer: It was both. Wynn, a fine character actor, was suffering from pancreatic cancer while this film was being made. He died in 1986, the same year the film was released.


More Black Moon Rising questions
Police Academy 3: Back in Training picture

Question: If Mrs Fackler is married to Mr Fackler, the nerdy cop, why does she want to share rooms with Kirkland?

Answer: The way I see it is that Kirkland and her are cadets, Mr. Fackler is not a cadet and wouldn't sleep in same dorm.


Answer: Because Kirkland is a fit and handsome young man.

Brian Katcher

More Police Academy 3: Back in Training questions
The Clan of the Cave Bear picture

Question: Is the clan language American sign language, some other sign language or made up?

Answer: Completely made up. It was too difficult to teach all the actors ASL.

More The Clan of the Cave Bear questions
Ruthless People picture

Question: If Barbara had a dog named Muffy then how come she didn't speak about it the whole film? Didn't she even think about wanting her dog back if she decides to stay with the kidnappers?


Answer: So she's more concerned about her own life than the life of the dog. Or since she believes that her husband "worships the ground I walk on," she probably takes for granted that her husband will take care of the dog. Or she does talk about it but it's not important to the plot.

More Ruthless People questions
Back to School picture

Question: What poem is Diane reading to her class that makes Thornton say, "Yes, yes!"?

Answer: She was reading, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," by Dylan Thomas.


Answer: She was reading from the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.

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