Best romance movie questions of all time

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Nicholas Nickleby picture

Question: When Nicholas and Mr. Squeers arrive at the school, Nicholas asks, "Is this Dotheboys Hall?" and Squeers replies something I can't understand, followed by, "We call it that in London because it sounds better." Anyone know what he says?


Chosen answer: Squeers says, "No need to call it a hall up here" and then he says "We call it that in London because it sounds better."

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The Wedding Planner picture

Question: Near the beginning at the wedding Fran comes to to meet Mary, Penny comes over to tell Mary about the bellydancer's tattoo. Mary then asks her to prepare the 'Murdoch file' and Fran's mom says "Murdoch? As in-" then she makes a funny noise as if this had some meaning to her. I realize the 'Murdoch file' was fake and just to get rid of Penny, but is there some other meaning for it?

Answer: Murdoch as in media mogul Rupert Murdoch. It makes her sound important, giving the impression that someone of his caliber would use her for a wedding planner.

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Animal House picture

Question: Near the end, when Dean Wormer and Mayor DePasto are in the grandstand, officially launching the parade, there is an elderly gentleman in the background (also in the grandstand, about 2 levels up, on the left side of the screen) who is making odd, excited gestures and comical facial expressions. His appearance and odd mannerisms are so striking that he draws my attention away from the dean and the mayor every time that I've seen this film, and that's a lot of times. Surely, director John Landis must have been aware of the gentleman and his antics in the background through multiple takes, so it would seem Landis intended the peculiar distraction. Who was that gentleman, and was there any significance to his appearing in the scene?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Sometimes these things get left in because it's simply the best take. (The child covering his ears before the gunshot in "North by Northwest," for example.) It could also be that John Landis cast the extra because he wanted someone with goofy expressions in the crowd. He simply could have told the extras "Ok, be excited that you're at a parade," and that's how this extra did it.

Captain Defenestrator

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Weird Science picture

Question: What did Lisa turn Chet into? Every time I've seen this movie, I could never figure it out.

Answer: According to the Wikipedia page for this movie, Lisa transforms Chet into a giant, talking turd.

Casual Person

Answer: A steaming pile of poo.

Answer: I was actually under the impression that Lisa turns Chet into a Toad, since he has bumpy like skin. He also eats a fly which is something that Toads do.

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The Little Mermaid picture

Question: I once heard that there's a shell somewhere in the movie that has a profanity written on it. Is this true?

Answer: Yet another Disney urban legend.


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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 picture

Question: If imprinting is possible for werewolves then why didn't Jacob do it to Bella? Mad Magazine pointed this out as he does this to her daughter, kind of creepy it was.


Answer: Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism. The shape-shifter can't voluntarily imprint on anybody. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella but was unable to do so and began going around looking for other girls to imprint on but, is unable to do it of his own free will.

On the flip side, Sam Ulee was in love with Leah Clearwater, but then he involuntarily imprinted on Emily, dumping Leah and breaking her heart.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, imprinting is not only a sexual thing. As Jacob explains it, it is about being whatever the person who is imprinted on wants or needs, whether it is as a lover, a protector, a life-long friend, etc.


More The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 questions
Logan's Run picture

Question: Why were the enforcers called sandmen?

Answer: In popular American lore, the Sandman is responsible for putting sand over your eyes to make you go to sleep. In this context the "sleep" is a euphemism for death, and the enforcers are responsible for making sure that everyone dies on time.


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Answer: Only in the sense that the writer wanted them to have very masculine names.

More Road House questions
50 First Dates picture

Question: If Lucy's father was the one that gave Henry the Beach Boys CD, how could Henry take that as a sign that Lucy remembers him?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Lucy's father previously told Henry that she only sings on days that she meets him - then you see a flash of her painting in the garage, singing a Beach Boys song. Right before he hands Henry the Beach Boys CD, he tells him that she's even singing again. Henry realized as he listened to CD - maybe if she is singing again, she is thinking of him, hence, remembering him. (It happens to be the same song that she was singing in the garage that's playing on the boat when Henry turns around to go back. It's called 'Wouldn't It Be Nice').

Why wouldn't the father just tell him directly "hey she's been painting and singing again, so she probably might remember you"

More 50 First Dates questions
West Side Story picture

Question: Why did they use actors who couldn't sing in the leading roles? Wouldn't it be easier to cast people who could sing instead of dubbing with other singing voices?

Answer: People would not come to the theater to see Marnie Nixon despite the fact that she has sung the lead roles in West Side Story, The King and I, and My Fair Lady. They'd rather see that darling girl from "Miracle on 34th Street" again (or Deborah Kerr or Audrey Hepburn) than an unknown with actual talent.


Answer: Natalie Wood was more well-known. And Wood actually COULD sing, she just couldn't hit the high notes perfectly. In fact, she was told only some of her singing would be dubbed.

More West Side Story questions

Answer: Shaun's last name is Riley. It can be seen on a poster ad from Shaun's DJ days.

More Shaun of the Dead questions

Answer: She was referring to his habit of excessively passing gas (farting) He can be heard doing this early in the film, even though he is a ghost.


More High Spirits questions
Hacksaw Ridge picture

Question: In the first combat scene, we see the big climbing net already in place. Who put the net up in the first place and how would that have been done? And why would the Japanese not simply cut it down after the first fights when the US troops retreated?

Michael Ebner

Chosen answer: US troops put the net up (in reality the ridge isn't as tall). The Japanese were fighting a defensive battle from heavily fortified positions on a reverse slope, and it suited them to have the Americans attacking from that point. The Americans also used ladders on other parts of the escarpment.

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Corrina, Corrina picture

Question: Why does Manny make up excuses about his wife doing something when in reality she died?

Answer: Manny is struggling with her death and trying to care for Molly. In a moment of self denial and sadness, he just makes it up in hopes of tricking himself into thinking that everything is normal.


More Corrina, Corrina questions
Rosemary's Baby picture

Question: What is the name of the melody that Mia Farrow sings (La La La Laaaa, La La La Lalala La Laaaaa) at the beginning of the movie, as the title/credits are being displayed?


Chosen answer: It doesn't have a specific title. It was a lullaby written for the film by Krzysztof Komeda. There's a few variations of the lullaby heard throughout the film, the opening credits version is listed as "Rosemary's Baby Main Theme - Vocal."


More Rosemary's Baby questions
Groundhog Day picture

Question: Toward the beginning of the movie, on Phil's first day at the bed and breakfast, he turns on the shower and it is very cold. He asks the lady in the hallway why there is no hot water. The lady answers "Oh no, there wouldn't be any today." Why not?

Answer: Old fashioned hotels have a single boiler for all the hotel rooms. Once the hot water reservoir is used up there won't be any more to use until the reservoir is refilled. This only happens once every few days.


Answer: Likely because there are a lot of people staying there and using up the hot water.

Captain Defenestrator

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The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement picture

Question: The movie is supposed to be three years after the first movie, which would make her 18. But on all the trailers, they say she is 21. Why is this?

Answer: I have visited a lot of websites and they all say the movie is supposed to be taking place 5 years after the first one and that would put her at about 21 since it should be a little after her birthday. Don't assume because this movie's made 3 years after the first that that's how long after the first one it's meant to be set.

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Armageddon picture

Question: Would someone please explain why they need a huge Gatling gun on the asteroid? Are they scared of aliens or what?

Answer: If you look at the deleted scenes on the special edition DVD, you will see a deleted scene in which A.J. asks what they needed a gun for, and Max explains that it's for debris elimination, in order to take out small rocks in the way.

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High School Musical picture

Question: Chad tries to discourage Troy from singing with the line, "If you sing in musicals, you're going to end up in my mom's refrigerator." Any clue as to what this means?

Answer: When Chad brings up Michael Crawford (the iconic Phantom in musical performances of Phantom of the Opera) he points out that Crawford's picture has never been on cereal (Wheaties) boxes like popular athletes. Chad says that his mom saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway 27 times, and she put Crawford's picture "in" her refrigerator. So then Chad tells Troy that if he plays basketball his picture will end up on a cereal box, but if he sings in musicals his picture will only end up in his mom's (or anyone's) refrigerator. Apparently since Chad's mom was nuts about Michael Crawford, one of her "crazy diet ideas" was to put Crawford's picture in the fridge to help her stick to her diet.

Super Grover

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Heathers picture

Question: In the scene in the girl's locker room, after Heather Chandler's death, why does Veronica get into a shower with her clothes on?

Answer: I think it's one of those "This can't be happening, I must be dreaming" moments. Same as when a character pinches themselves in order to wake up, or they tell someone to pinch them. Veronica can hardly believe what she and JD did.

Answer: Most likely it's an act of contrition, symbolically attempting to "wash away" her sin.


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