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Continuity mistake: When doctors are discussing the medical condition of Dave Bowman's mother, a close-up of the African-American doctor shows a framed newspaper on the wall behind him. It is the front page and has prominent pictures of Bowman and Poole taken during their mission. In the next, wider shot, we see this wall suddenly has nothing on it - the newspaper and frame have vanished. They return when Bowman's mother sits up in bed. (01:16:45)


More 2010 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Roger and Hoskins are moments away from crashing into a bridge in the cab quickly look at the road there is no gate in between the roads. But when they jump onto the bridge they crash right into a gate. (00:57:15)

Joe Campbell

More Who Framed Roger Rabbit mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the second scene, when Cobb is taken to Saito (Old Man), Cobb's totem is kept on the table with the longer end down. But as the PoV changes to Saito's, the totem keeps changing position with the shorter end down. This happens at least four times. (00:01:45)


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More Cube mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Clouseau parks in front of the ministry of justice, he breaks the hood of two police cars. A few shots later, when we see him entering the building, only one of the cars is broken.

Dr Wilson

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Visible crew/equipment: When David Mann stops off at the reptile lady's place, he enters a phone booth to call the police. When he's inside, you can see a perfect reflection of Spielberg. Look how young he looks.

More Duel mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kristen meets the little girl drawing the chalk house, between the two shots before it starts raining, the chalk drawing changes. (00:02:35)


More A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Sergeant has the shotguns in the backpack on his back, and you see a close up of his face, you can see that the shotguns do not have triggers. On plastic prop rifles, the trigger is usually molded into the trigger guard in the pulled back position, and you can see this on these prop shotguns.

Ian Hunt

More Hot Fuzz mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Becky meets Simon in the cube, they hug, then Simon literally stabs Becky in the back. As she falls down to the floor, her black shirt reveals not only some of her chest, but part of a black microphone wire. (01:15:15)


More Cube 2: Hypercube mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ace is sneaking into Ronald Camp's Private Aquarium, he begins to look around and open some doors. If you look at the colour of the wall it is red. When he opens the door to the giant tank, the wall outside the door (which should be red) is now white. The door also reverses - the handle goes from Ace's left to Ace's right. (00:28:50)

More Ace Ventura: Pet Detective mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the police car is chasing Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman on a bike down in a tunnel, in one shot, the police car's flashing light on top is ripped off by the low ceiling. In the very next shot, the lights are still on the top. The next shot shows the lights are gone. (01:13:50)

More Paycheck mistake pictures

Factual error: In the beginning, Leonard looks at a copy of John G/Teddy's driver's license. The expiration date is listed as 2-29-01, but of course, 2001 was not a leap year, so there would've only been 28 days in the month. (00:12:45)

More Memento mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Somerset goes back to the man's house alone, he cuts a sticker on the door with his switch-blade to get in. The first error is the sticker is on the inside and it says "Keep Out." The best part about it is the door opens inward. How did they put the sticker on the inside and then exit? (00:20:45)

More Seven mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The tape is labelled "Vincent Grey" in the first shot, but the label disappears in the next shot. (01:11:32)

More The Sixth Sense mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Bret shoots himself under the chin and a hole is blown in his forehead. Moments later when he's on the ground, for a split second, you can see his forehead completely unblemished. (01:03:00)

More Hellraiser: Hellseeker mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As Jason approaches the smashed barn door, some of the wooden planks in the left side of the door disappear between shots. (01:12:50)


More Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning mistake pictures
More Phantasm mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As Arnie runs after Leigh at the drive-in, he arrives under the awning with his hair slightly wet, but still rather full-looking. But in the next close-up, it's soaked flat onto his head. (00:45:40)


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Revealing mistake: When Fred smashes his arm through the round window of the garage and grabs Shaggy, if you look you can see some kind of clear tape on his arm to protect him from the glass. This is quite noticeable in closeups. (00:47:10)


More Scooby-Doo mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Seagrass is attacked, the two girls are thrown through the cabin's rear windows, landing on the outside deck. When the boat's owner finds it, a camera circles the Seagrass from a distance and the rear windows are intact. When he and Elizabeth board the boat, the windows are again broken. (00:26:40 - 00:42:15)


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