
24th Jun 2022

Constantine (2005)

Question: In the movie the ritual to bring Mammon into the world requires the spear of destiny and a powerful psychic. The psychic chosen is Angela who can only be used after a ritual that she and Constantine preform. This can only happen if the two meet so Gabriel chooses Angela's sister for Mammon to posses and kill, to get Angela involved in the occult world. My question is why didn't Gabriel and Mammon just use Angela's sister?


Answer: According to the plot on Wikipedia, Isabel killed herself to prevent Mammon from using her, so she was chosen first. Angela and Constantine meet because Isabel brought them together to stop Mammon, should he find another psychic. But with Angela reawakening her powers, she is chosen. It's not a quite clear plot as it is mentioned Mammon needed not just a psychic, but twin psychics.


Question: The miscast spell made everyone who knew that Peter Parker was Spider-Man to appear in Tom's universe. Why didn't Mary-Jane, Harry Osborne and Eddie Brock from Toby's universe and Captain George Stacy and Gwen Stacy from Andrew's universe also appear as they knew Peter Parker was really Spider-Man?

Answer: Perhaps they did cross over, but they were not part of the plot, so we just didn't see them. They were all returned at the end anyway.


Answer: It could be there were too many characters and too many subplots already, they only needed the characters that would cause the most damage to Peter's universe. There are confirmed sequels in the SCU and The MCU, who knows who could show up there.

18th Jun 2022

The Matrix (1999)

Question: What is the machine that grabbed Neo, and why did it let him go after the cables that were attached to him get removed from his body?

Answer: The machine is probably a regular maintenance machine for the pods. It grabs hold of him as the cables are detached to prevent him from falling out. It let him go so the body could be drained for recycling.


Answer: It let him go because he woke up and became self-aware. Everyone else was asleep in the Matrix fantasy world. The machines knew if anyone woke up, they would join the resistance, so Neo was considered defective and literally flushed away.

18th Jun 2022

The Matrix (1999)

Question: In The Matrix Reloaded, the Architect tells Neo that each incarnation of the One went into the Source while the machines killed everyone in Zion. If the machines knew where Zion was the whole time, then why did the machines need the code for the Zion mainframe?

Answer: Because that would make it easier to access Zion, like opening the gates and shutting off defences.


Question: Why didn't anyone else hear the guy shouting for Carter? Others were mere meters away from Carter. Was everyone deaf?

Answer: His yells were already faint where Carter was sitting. The others were sitting together and talking and minding their own business, so they were not listening for him.


15th Jun 2022

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: After John asks Muldoon to take one of the Jeeps to bring back his grandchildren, Ellie says she's going with him. They didn't at that point know the T-Rex had escaped, so why does Ellie insist on going with him? Considering the Jeep has four seats and there's five people spread across the two tour cars, how did Ellie expect to squeeze everybody in?

Answer: He was sent to bring back the grandchildren, not everyone. If anyone else wanted to leave they could be picked up later when Muldoon was finished bringing the children to safety. Hammond was just concerned about them and wanted them to be with him. Ellie went with him to be with Grant, to make sure he is safe as well. So she would stay with him anyway.


15th Jun 2022

Anaconda (1997)

Question: What happened to the man who shot himself at the beginning of the movie? Was his body devoured by titular anaconda?

Answer: The reason he shot himself was because he was being chased by the anaconda. Since the anaconda doesn't care if its prey is alive or dead, yes, he was devoured.


Question: Does the trilogy stick to a coherent time-travel-logic or is it "mix-and-match"? While it purports to adhere to the "one universe, many detours" theory (which is why Jennifer is save in bad 1985), it also delivers proof for the multiverse theory, unless it's "explained away" such as: Doc was never killed. He already wore a vest (and brought a gun to the meeting with a teenager) because he was a bit paranoid. Since he never really died, there's no parallel timeline required for him to stay dead.

Answer: It's fairly consistent. Changes to the past affect the future, although the time travellers themselves are afforded a bit of convenient wriggle room, like time changing around them, changes not immediately taking effect, etc, so as ever some suspension of disbelief is needed. The timeline changes - originally Doc was killed, Marty went back, gave him a letter, Doc took precautions. That's not the multiverse, that's just the future being changed by actions in the past.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Why wouldn't they exist? This is a serious question (maybe I am missing something). In BttF, Marty was disappearing because his parents weren't going to get together for him to even exist. In BttF II, his parents got together (Biff says so - he calls George Marty's father) and he was born, so it is very consistent between both movies. So even with an erased timeline, Biff did not erase Marty and his siblings being born. As for the linear time or multi universal, I think the movie is consistent - only the time traveler remembers things that happened before the time traveling began.

Answer: It's completely mix-and-match IMHO. The movies constantly switch between linear and parallel timelines, either making changes affect the time traveller or not, depending on plot convenience. For example, in the first movie Marty is in danger of disappearing unless he gets his parents back together, and fixes it before undoing all he had done himself, which causes a paradox. But then, when he gets back, his parents and siblings are completely different, but Marty is the same person that supposed lived that new life, unreplaced. That simply doesn't make sense in a linear timeline. In the second movie it is even worse, with Marty and Doc still existing in a timeline erased by Old Biff with the sports almanac, for plot convenience.


2nd Jun 2022

Highlander (1986)

Question: In the director's cut (which seems to be the most widely available version these days), what's the deal with all the backflips in the opening fight? The editing is very awkward. Fasil goes from running, to doing backflips, then back to running, then back to doing backflips several times, seemingly between shots, during a short section of the fight. Is it just bad editing? Or is the movie trying to suggest that it's a different person doing the flips? Or... what? It's so confusingly edited.


Answer: The Director, Russell Mulcahy, started his career making music videos. He was known for using fast cuts and tracking shots.

Answer: I always felt the idea was given he was trying to move very rapidly whilst also being silent. In a garage with those shoes on your footsteps are very loud. Perhaps he was trying to confuse MacLeod as to where he was.


I'm not asking why he's doing backflips. I'm asking why the editing is so confusing, since he goes from doing backflips, to running somewhere completely else, then back to backflips at the first location between edits. (Look up the clip "The Highlander (1986) 1080p : Underground parking Fight Scene. Epic!" on YouTube and pay attention around 4:20.) He also loses his sword whenever we see him doing backflips, even though he's carrying it when he's running. The editing makes absolutely no sense.


I know the scene. As I said, it's supposed to look like Fasil is confusing MacLeod by moving around a lot. Him losing his sword as he does it is already a corrected entry.


Ah, got ya. Sorry, misunderstood what you mean. It just seemed very awkwardly edited to me.


18th May 2022

Doctor Strange (2016)

Question: When Strange is surgically removing the bullet from the patient's brain, why did he ask the one doctor to cover his wristwatch?


Answer: I took it to mean Dr. Strange could hear the watch ticking, and he wanted complete silence.


Answer: Perhaps to also protect the watch from getting blood-stained.


That's quite a blood spray you would need to reach him.


Chosen answer: The watch was reflecting light into his eyes.


That makes sense, as the light would distract him while performing a delicate procedure.


Question: This question is for all the novels. How are all the schools in the wizarding world kept hidden from the muggle world? Surely if a plane were to fly over Hogwarts, people would be shocked at seeing people flying around on broomsticks and using magic.

Answer: International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy is in charge of hiding the general wizarding community from the Muggle world. As for many of the wizarding schools such as Hogwarts, their use of multiple Concealment Charms provide the necessary protection to creatively conceal them from Muggle view.

Super Grover

Also, Muggles usually don't "want" to see magic. Most of them are too convinced that magic is not real. A Muggle might see the occasional wizard/witch fly high above them on a broom, and assume they imagined it.

Answer: There are special spells at work to hide the schools and other places from muggles. In Deathly Hallows for example you can see Hermione cast a few when they are in the woods. An example is "Repello Muggletum", which is a barrier that causes Muggles who hit it to forget they were there and turn around.


7th May 2022

General questions

As of this writing, there are 28 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is this the record for the most films in a franchise taking place in the same continuity, and if so, at what point did it become the record? I know there are over 30 Godzilla films, but I haven't seen any of them, and I can't easily find a definitive answer on how many of them are in the same continuity.


Answer: According to wikipedia Godzilla is the longest running live-action movie franchise with 36 films since 1954, but not in the same continuity. They rebooted several times. But, there are several Japanese and Chinese movie franchises that have between 40 and 60 movies, one even 123. Many are for kids (power rangers style, not counting anime) and their continuity is doubtful at best. There is also a western series called "The Durango Kid" that had 64 movies and the western series "The Three Mesquiteers" with 51. I'm sure India's Bollywood has a couple as well.


1st May 2022

Christine (1983)

Question: I have two questions. 1) If Christine can fix herself, why was she in such a state when Arnie first bought her? 2) Did Arnie do all the repairs on Christine or did Christine fix herself bit by bit to give the illusion that Arnie was doing it?

Answer: She is influenced by the person owning her. It's love. The love was gone when Arnie bought her, since her last owner died. But Arnie was in love with her and Christine fell in love with him overtime because of his dedication to fixing her. Because of the love for each other, the magic that powers Christine becomes more powerful, until she is eventually able to fix herself. During his time fixing her, she eventually takes over the repairs, but at first he was the one doing the fixing. It's possible her state contributed to her fixing herself, so the more she is repaired, the more she is able to do herself as well.


8th Apr 2022

Constantine (2005)

Question: When Angela is looking up information on Constantine, it shows a picture of him being arrested. What did Constantine do to get arrested?

Answer: Constantine constantly does things that are out of line or break the law. It could be as simple as somebody calling the cops on him for doing an exorcism. Take your pick really.


Question: What did Anakin's torpedoes hit that caused the droid control ship to explode?

Answer: It was the main reactor of the ship, according to wookieepedia.


I have a problem with that because realistically would destroying a reactor be enough to cause whatever it powers to explode?

Not sure why you have a problem with that notion. It's a common sci-fi convention/trope that destroying the main reactor of a ship usually causes a chain-reaction that destroys the entire vessel. That's also what destroyed both Death Stars in the original trilogy. (Luke fires a missile into the reactor through an exhaust port/Lando and the others fly into the core and destroy the main reactor.) This is not a documentary... it can operate by nebulous sci-fi rules. Not to mention, none of these things actually exist, so who's to say destroying the main reactor WOULDN'T destroy the ship?


It destroyed the main reactor of the droid control ship itself, not what it powers. Anakin was inside the ship and blew it up from the inside.


If you go by official books put out you see lots of ships in Star Wars are powered by a gas type fuel source. Taking out a reactor could cause that fuel to explode as well. As you see in the movie it not one big boom but a lot of little ones at 1st. But once that fire gets to the main tanks it's all over.

26th Mar 2022

Liar Liar (1997)

Question: After Fletcher beats himself in the bathroom, he describes himself to the judge what his attacker looks like. Didn't the guy who walked into the bathroom report the whole thing after seeing Fletcher beat himself up?


Answer: The person that saw Fletcher do that is probably totally unrelated to the trial going on. He was kind of freaked out by the whole scene so it's not unlikely he just left the building.


23rd Mar 2022

Anaconda (1997)

Question: How was Serone able to get Gary to his side so quickly?

Answer: He played into his greed. Told him there can be a lot of money made if you capture an anaconda like that one.


Question: When Caparzo hands Melish the knife, why did he get upset?


Answer: The situation from before, an intense firefight, got to him, the stress and anxiety taking over for a moment. It's likely this is his first moment of rest and reflection since landing on the beach. Plus, it's a Hitler Youth knife, revealing they just killed a bunch of minors.


15th Mar 2022

National Treasure (2004)

Question: Wasn't there an "original" scene (edited out in favor of the existing scene) where everyone is below the church, and Ian is leaving Ben, Abigail, Riley, and Patrick behind to go to Boston, and Ian not only threatens to shoot Riley if he speaks again, but he also does shoot Ben's dad Patrick? I can recall that scene - shot in the upper front shoulder area, and he collapses, etc. I don't recall what happens to Patrick after that, since they find the treasure room after that. Do you recall?

Answer: Perhaps you are confusing it with Indiana Jones' father being shot at the end of Last Crusade?


Answer: I saw it in the theater twice and that scene did not happen.


Answer: I've seen that movie a dozen times. I don't believe that scene exists.

Answer: After reading your question, I had a vague flashback about the scene as you described it, maybe from when I saw the theatrical version. I searched, but I can't find any online reference to it, but I think you are right and the film may have since been re-edited. I hope someone else can verify this.


6th May 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Question: What were the papers the gun salesman told Van Pelt he would have to fill out?

Answer: It's Form 4473, the federal form that is sent to the ATF for an NICS background check.


I get it. The form is used to make sure you have no criminal history.

Form 4473 is used to determine if one is eligible to purchase a firearm. Speaking of which, would Van Pelt be eligible to purchase a firearm?

No, since he is probably not even a US citizen. And if he is, not from that century.


If you don't fill out the form the you can't buy a gun.

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