
22nd Mar 2007

Home Improvement (1991)

Tool Time After Dark (2) - S4-E23

Continuity mistake: When Tim goes outside to talk to Wilson, the distinct three-looped straw he used is still standing in his antacid bottle. When he comes back inside, the bottle is on the table where it was, but the straw has disappeared.


12th Mar 2007

Huckleberry Finn

Continuity mistake: In chapter 17, where Huck first meets the Grangerford family, Col. Grangerford is described as "grey and about sixty". However, in the next chapter, the colonel is described in more detail, and his grey hairs are gone. Huck describes him as "clean-shaved, all over his thin face", and with hair "black and straight".


4th Mar 2007

General questions

I am trying to find out the name of the movie that had the following scene: a man is flipping a toothpick over and over in his mouth. It gets stuck, holding his mouth open, and he gags/coughs and takes it out. I think he was trying to be cool or intimidating as he flipped it so it was amusing when he got it stuck. I am guessing it was some time in the early 90's.


Chosen answer: This is the bowling alley scene from Uncle Buck. He is hitting on John Candy's niece.


Let's Go To The Videotape - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: The conversation Tim and the others have at the hardware store becomes a lot different when Jill sees the (supposedly) same conversation on videotape. First of all, Tim's remark the "Jill's speech was so boring" has become "Jill's speech was so DULL". Secondly, Eddie's entire tale on how his wife wanted to change the fabric in the sun room is missing from the tape. And third, when Tim is talking about Jill's psychology studies, the expression "these terms" has become "these USELESS terms".


3rd Mar 2007

General questions

I remember seeing a film as a girl and remember only one scene where a woman is at a party and is hiding or sneaking around, and by accident gets her dress shredded by standing above the shredder. Does anyone know what film I'm talking about?


3rd Mar 2007

General questions

I am after the title of a narrated animated/live action film about people living underground in the woods(probably in Germany) during World War 2 to hide from the Nazis. There is a little girl in the film whose family gets taken to a concentration camp and she is left all alone.


Chosen answer: It might be "Sarah" a.k.a. "Sarah and the Squirrel", 1982 by Yoram Gross.

27th Feb 2007

Rome (2005)

Philippi - S2-E6

Factual error: Cicero's secretary, Tiro, is seen throughout the series wearing a plaque around his neck marking him as a slave, and here Cicero tells him, "You've been freed in my will". However, Tiro was freed in 53 BC, several years before the events depicted in the series.


18th Feb 2007

Red Dawn (1984)

Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when the teacher is shot, the impacts on his chest are out of sync with the actual gunfire. First, we see the soldier start shooting, but he fires several shots at point blank range before the bulletholes and blood appear on the teacher. Also, as the angle changes, the teacher falls backwards with more impacts appearing on his chest. The problem is, the soldier has already stopped shooting, and there is no other gunfire to be heard. (00:05:25)


18th Feb 2007

Red Dawn (1984)

Revealing mistake: When Col. Tanner is on top of the Russian tank, he is firing his pistol into it. After a few shots, you can see that the slide on his gun locks back, showing that the gun is empty. Tanner does not reload, but is none the less able to keep shooting afterwards. (01:11:25)


4th Feb 2007

Liar Liar (1997)

Continuity mistake: Fletcher checks his watch before he tells Max "It's 8:45". But in the last shot of the scene, as he hugs Max, his watch comes into view and shows 5:45.


Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: Watch shows 8:45 all the way.

4th Feb 2007

Liar Liar (1997)

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, Fletcher is on the stretcher talking to Max, and looks at his watch to discover he has been able to lie for half an hour. Max then responds "So you lied?". Fletcher then grabs Max's shoulder with his left hand, saying "No! It was the truth!". As the angle changes he is still speaking, but his left hand is now lying across his chest before he reaches out to grab Max again.


13th Jan 2007

Gremlins (1984)

Continuity mistake: When the old man is leaving the family's home, in the indoors shot as he turns to walk out the front door, he is holding Gizmo's box under his right arm, and has the "smokeless ashtray" in his left hand. Cut to the outside shot of him walking through the door, and he is suddenly holding the Mogwai box by it's handle, and has nothing in his left hand. (01:42:00)


5th Jan 2007

Nacho Libre (2006)

Deliberate mistake: Several of the matches Nacho loses, he should actually have won. In Mexican pro wrestling, it is illegal to rip another's mask off, and results in immediate disqualification. This happens twice to Nacho, both in the fight with the midgets and in the final against Ramses.


5th Jan 2007

Nacho Libre (2006)

Deliberate mistake: In the final fight, Nacho pins Ramses outside the ring. Under Lucha Libre rules, a pin must take place inside the ring to be valid, so Nacho would not have won a bout this way, and the announcer did not mention anything about there being any special rules or stipulations for the match, such as "Falls count anywhere".


31st Dec 2006

Futurama (1999)

I Second That Emotion - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When talking about El Chupakneebra with the Sewer People, the characters are standing in front of a building with a blue sign reading "Cleaners". But in the shot where Leela explains how Nibbler loves fresh crocodile, the writing on the sign changes to a completely different, much narrower, style.


31st Dec 2006

Futurama (1999)

I Second That Emotion - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When the mutant with the big head first mentions El Chupakneebra, in the background you can see the blue sign reading "Cleaners". It is then attached to the building next to the one the characters are standing by. However, in the next shot, when Leela asks what El Chupakneebra is, you can see the blue sign on the building they are in front of.


Continuity mistake: When Ramius is shot, he drops to the floor holding his wound with his left hand. He is still using his left hand when Ryan asks "What happens if he makes it to that ignition circuitry". The angle then changes, and Ramius is holding his wound with his right hand as he answers "He can incinerate the ship". New angle change, and Ramius is once again using his left hand on the wound. (01:56:35)


21st Dec 2006

Eragon (2006)

Continuity mistake: When Eragon and his cousin are play-fighting in the shed, a large sweat stain appears and disappears on Eragon's shirt. It's there when he kicks a pile of sticks at Roran, completely gone when he picks up the stick he uses as a sword, and then it reappears at the very end of the fight. (00:09:35)


Continuity mistake: As Jack and Kyle are walking up the "Guitarway to Heaven" in the Rock Museum, they vary between marching completely in synch with each other and out of synch. They are still walking directly next to each other, so it is not due to one of them changing their pace.


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