
Continuity mistake: When they pan down the camera to see bush, the camera returns to a wide shot, and Poindexter has his arms out wide to the outside of his knees. On the very next shot of Poindexter's close-up, his hands are together when he screams.


Continuity mistake: After Snake gets the X-ray to disable the tiny bombs in his neck, he pushes the timer and holds his hand there, pushing it. Then, the next shot shows the countdown timer, but his hand is not holding it down. In the very next shot, he is pushing in the timer button again. (01:30:45)


Brace for Impact - S1-E21

Factual error: At the very beginning of the episode, during Agent Wells' escape in the blue van, there is a very tall skyscraper in one shot. There aren't large skyscrapers like that in DC. Also, when she crashes the van into the Tidal Basin, where did all of the cherry trees that surround it disappear to?


14th Jul 2023

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Buried Treasure - S6-E6

Continuity mistake: In the captain's office, Randy is holding his cup with both hands and he states that he has a Motorola phone in his pocket. He begins to turn to his left to expose his suit pocket jacket. In the very next shot, which is a wide angle of everyone, he is beginning his turn again so Natalie can retrieve the cell phone.


14th Jul 2023

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Buried Treasure - S6-E6

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, when Dr. Kramer and Monk are talking, Dr. Kramer is hunched over listening to Monk. In the very next camera shot, with the camera pointing at Dr. Kramer, he is sitting straight up and just finishes crossing his arms. A couple of seconds later, it switches back to Monk and you can see Dr. Kramer hunched over again and arms uncrossed.


28th Jun 2023

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Continuity mistake: After Cowboy says they are pulling back after Eightball and Doc Jay were wasted, Mother pivots to tell everyone to wait. After his pivot, his left leg stayed behind him, but the very next shot of a closer look to Mother, his left leg has moved up beside his other leg.



Continuity mistake: On the two-point conversion attempt in the final game, Blake rolls to his left and a lot of blocks occur, the last being #50, his center (at 37 seconds and against Flat-Top). After a cut away to the receiver and then back to Blake, he is slowing down to make the throw. Right before he throws, #50 comes from his front, again, to make a block (at 1 minute on Flat-Top). Manumana might have been able to make it back after his first block, but to come from the front seems a little unlikely.


25th Jun 2023

Fawlty Towers (1975)

22nd Jun 2023

Blue Bloods (2010)

18th Jun 2023

Full Metal Jacket (1987)


Continuity mistake: After Cowboy and company hook up with Mother, there are seven soldiers. When Cowboy gets shot, there are seven against the wall, not including Cowboy.


Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: Funny thing is, there are 8 whilst there should be 9. When they go to get Mother, Cowboy points out 5 to come with him, and then Joker and Rafterman volunteer to come along. That's 8. Including Mother that would be 9. But there are only 8 in later shots. I can count 8 at the 2:30 timestamp. What is even funnier is that at 2:02 there are only 6 running, not 8. And lastly, when they hook up with Mother, they are 6 in total against the wall (2:24). Maybe someone could confirm this for me so it can be edited.


Actually, he tells four to come with him: No-Doze, Scutter, Donlon, and Rock. Joker and Rafterman join, so that should be seven going to mother, but only six are shown. There was an entry for that here, but it is under corrections, saying that the viewer is one of the seven, which is totally incorrect.


14th Jun 2023

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Continuity mistake: After Cowboy dies, Mother comes over and states, "Are we ready for payback?" Joker says, "Yeah." He then proceeds to start bringing his arms together. Immediately, the camera switches to a wider view, and Joker is starting to bring his hands together again.


Continuity mistake: After Moronie's robot has finished emptying his machine gun at the Dundee gang, the machine gun is pointing straight out. Then, when Johnny gets the note from Moronie, the robot's machine gun is pointing straight down.


26th May 2023

Saw V (2008)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie, Strahm reaches out into the hall to grab the tape player. The string it is hanging from comes with it. Strahm exits the room, and we get a reverse angle and the string that held the tape player is hanging from the ceiling, but empty. The string should not be there to begin with.


25th May 2023

Fall (2022)

Continuity mistake: When Hunter is on the dish retrieving the backpack, during Hunter's and Becky's conversation, the rope switches from right in front of Becky to the next section over to the left of her and back frequently.


23rd May 2023

Bull Durham (1988)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Nuke is pitching a shutout, Crash is giving him a hard time after the first inning about his curveball being flat and his fastball being up. Crash mentions that the fun is now gone and stands up, still wearing his catcher's chest protector. However, in the next shot, the chest protector mysteriously disappears.


7th May 2023

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk Goes Back to School - S2-E1

Other mistake: Derek tells Beth to meet in their "usual spot" the next day at 8am. The next scene has Derek sitting at his desk and it looks like the kids are already in deep with their SAT tests. Beth falls at 8:25am (as per the clock in the testing room.) There is no way that Derek could have killed Beth, put her on the minute hand (later in episode on the Monk recap, it has 8:15am. If Derek was proctoring a SAT test, I don't know of any that start around 8:20 and immediately in depth.


3rd May 2023

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk Goes Back to School - S2-E1

Factual error: In the cold opening, Derek said that his wife is very smart and got a 1680 on the SAT. This episode takes place in 2003, the writing portion that was added to make the max (2400, not 1600) was in 2005.


Continuity mistake: When Johnny gets knocked out when trying to leave the crime commissioners office, his arms are down by his side while on the ground. In the next shot of him lying on the ground, his arms are straight out from his side.


28th Apr 2023

Bachelor Party (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Cole and Debbie get into the pickup truck near the end of the movie, the man sitting on the back of the truck is wearing an orange hat with a white front. When they reach the theaters and the truck comes to a stop, he is now wearing a white hat with an orange front.


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