
28th Mar 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Night of the Coyote - S9-E6

Factual error: Celestial navigation can determine one's position on the earth's surface to within about one mile, not precise enough to give the location of a buried treasure. It also requires more than a sextant. It requires tables published in a nautical almanac (which is updated each year), charts on which to plot lines of position, and an accurate chronometer that is set to the precise time at the Prime Meridian (Greenwich Mean Time).


21st Mar 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Who Killed J.B. Fletcher? - S7-E14

Factual error: Bremerton, Washington is not a hick town as depicted in this episode (it is the home of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, a US Navy installation that employs 14,000 people) and the people there do not have southern accents.


18th Mar 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Dead Letter - S6-E6

Factual error: Unlike the Connie Kowalski character in this episode, real insurance investigators are not trained in arson investigation. Insurance investigators search for evidence of fraud relating to insurance claims. Arson investigators are professional firefighters who have had extensive additional training in arson investigation.


17th Mar 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble - S5-E13

Factual error: The only instances of "witchcraft" or "witch trials" in America were in Salem, Massachusetts. There were none in Maine or anywhere else. The Salem witch trials spanned 15 months, from February, 1692 to May 1693. Over 200 people were accused of witchcraft, but only 30 were found guilty. Of the 30, 14 women and 5 men were executed by hanging and one man, Giles Corey, was executed by "pressing." Another five died in jail, but none were burned at the stake, which was a punishment unique to Europe.


26th Feb 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

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