
31st Aug 2021

Dexter (2006)

31st Aug 2021

Blade (1998)

31st Aug 2021

X-Men (1992)

31st Aug 2021

The Simpsons (1989)

Trivia: This film is infamous for an onset altercation between Christian Bale and cinematographer Shane Hurlbut. Hurlbut walked onto the set during the filming of a scene, which led to Bale - known for being an intense method actor - going on a profanity-laced tirade against Hurlbut.


Trivia: Spider-Man asking Doctor Strange to cast a spell in order to make people forget that he is Peter Parker is similar to the comics storyline "One More Day." After the events of "Civil War" where Spider-Man revealed his secret identity to the world, he made a deal with Mephisto to save Aunt May's life in exchange for Mephisto nullifying Peter's marriage to Mary Jane Watson. As part of the deal, Mephisto erased everyone's memory of Spider-Man being Peter Parker.


Trivia: The physical ten rings in the film are portrayed as being armbands. In the comics, they are finger rings.


Trivia: When Galactus is passing by Saturn, the shadow of the cloud on the planet is in the shape of Galactus' helmet in the comics. (01:05:50)


Trivia: This film sees the return of Abomination for the first time since 2008's The Incredible Hulk. His physical appearance is also much closer to the comics than it was in the aforementioned film.


14th Aug 2021

Blade II (2002)

Trivia: Whistler's apparent death in the previous film was meant to be permanent, but he proved to be so popular with fans that they decided to bring him back for this film.


Trivia: The title of this movie comes from a line in the song "Preaching the End of the World" by Chris Cornell.


10th Aug 2021

Blade II (2002)

Trivia: Blade is the only character in the film from the original comics. All other characters were created for the film, or created for the first film in Whistler's case.


Trivia: Sean Connery never appeared in another live action film following this one. The stress he experienced making it is what led him to retire from acting until his death in 2020, with the only exception being a voice role for an animated film in 2012 called Sir Billi. He strongly considered coming out of retirement for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but ultimately declined, as he found retirement to be a lot of fun.


Trivia: Warner Brothers offered James Gunn the opportunity to direct a sequel to Man of Steel, but he chose to do this film instead. Gunn would later go on to direct a new iteration of Superman with "Superman: Legacy."


2nd Aug 2021

Boy Meets World (1993)

1st Aug 2021

Home Alone (1990)

Trivia: The real life house in Winnetka, Illinois that was used for the McAllister's home is censored on Google Maps, likely at the request of the owners.


1st Aug 2021

American Sniper (2014)

Trivia: Because of his role in this film, many American conservatives assumed Bradley Cooper was a Republican, only to be dismayed to find out he was a Democrat when he was spotted at the Democratic National Convention in 2016. Some even vowed to boycott his future movies over the revelation.


27th Jul 2021

Independence Day (1996)

Trivia: When Steve is dragging the unconscious alien through the Bonneville Salt Flats, at one point he shouts out "What the hell is that smell!?" This was not in the script, but rather Will Smith ad-libbing in response to the strong sulfur-like smell emanating from treated wastewater near the Great Salt Lake. (01:07:40)


Trivia: This film marks the debut appearance in the MCU of the classic Marvel villain The Mandarin. He was referenced all the way back in the first Iron Man film and was promoted as the main antagonist of Iron Man 3, with the iteration of the character ending up being a bait and switch. Part of the reason the character took so long to make it to the screen is because of the problematic stereotypes associated with him, combined with Disney's business partnership with China.


24th Jul 2021

X-Men (1992)

Captive Hearts - S1-E5

Trivia: The scene where Wolverine longingly strokes a picture of Jean Grey has not only become an internet meme, but an action figure depicting the scene was created by Mondo, and is set to begin selling to consumers starting with the 2021 San Diego Comic Con.


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