
6th Dec 2014

Inception (2010)

Question: Me and my friend have debated this each time we have watched the movie and I finally decided to ask the question here to see who is right. When they are discussing their plan and saying they need the plane for it, Saito says "I bought the airline... It seemed neater." My interpretation of this is that he bought out all the tickets on that particular flight so the plane would be empty and weed out risk of interruption from other passengers, as doing that made it so there are no other passengers. But my friend thinks he means he bought the entire brand of the airline, so that he now owns the company that has that plane. Like buying out SouthWest Airlines as a company or something. So who is right? What did Saito mean? Did he buy out all the tickets for that flight, or did he buy the whole airline company?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He bought out the actual airline company. If he'd bought out all the tickets for that specific journey he'd have said "I bought out the flight" or similar. It's a deliberately over the top moment of exuberance to highlight exactly how rich Satio is. I'm afraid that it is your friend who is correct, sorry.


23rd Sep 2011

Cool Runnings (1993)

Question: Is it true that the man who played the coach died when filming his next film?


Chosen answer: John Candy, who played the coach, did indeed die during the filming of "Wagons East!", which was released in 1994. His final ever film - for which he shot his scenes prior to signing up for "Wagons East!" - was called "Canadian Bacon", released in 1995.


30th Jul 2011

General questions

Can anyone tell me the name of a golf comedy movie involving a black person referred to as the ethnic. One character was asking "where is that ethnic".

Answer: I believe that it is called "Who's Your Caddy?"


24th Mar 2011

Epic Movie (2007)

Question: When Peter pauses the world, the dwarf is easily seen making an expression. How come?


Chosen answer: This is nothing more than a lame "breaking the fourth wall" gag. Basically, by making the expression the dwarf is showing that all of the actors are just standing still, as opposed to being really frozen.


30th Sep 2010

Scream (1996)

Question: Why didn't Casey ring the police, after the call when she realied he was taunting and making threats?

Answer: Landline phones like the one used in the movie cannot dial out a phone number while the line is active. Considering the killer is continuously calling her, she can't dial out on the phone line. This is referenced in the movie itself when her parents arrive home, attempt to dial 911, and can't due to the line still being active.

Answer: Characters in horror movies are notorious for not doing the most obvious things. It's most likely that she was scared and not thinking straight at receiving numerous threatening phone calls, particularly when she is threatened after hanging up on the killer.


Also, when she told the caller that she was "two seconds away from calling the police", his response was that they'd never make it in time. She also knew he was nearby as he made comments that indicated he could see her. She didn't know it was someone that knew her. She's a teenager and scared, so her judgement was clouded. She reached a point where she believed her only chance was to get away from him by either fighting him or getting out and hiding somewhere outside.


Even in real life, people don't always think of something obvious when a situation is actually happening. I was a victim of armed robbery and almost died. No matter how much you read/hear about what to do in those situations, actually being in one is much different. It's easy for someone else to observe and say what a person should have done.


Question: Is there any way of finding out how far the Bride had to walk to get back to Budd's trailer after she got out of the coffin?

Answer: She was buried in Barstow and Budd's trailer looks to be nestled in the Cady Mountains, about 30 miles east.

Answer: Sadly, it seems that this information is unknown, as there is no mention of it in the film, nor any interviews with Quentin Tarantino, as I presume it wasn't deemed important enough to mention.


21st Mar 2011

It (1990)

Question: Tim Curry is said to appear as two different characters, Pennywise and Richie's boss, but I couldn't see him as the second. Where does he appear?

Answer: I fear you may have been misinformed. He only appears as Pennywise in the film.


Question: In the very ending of the theatrical cut, Evan walks past Kayleigh, but he doesn't do anything. My question is why doesn't he do anything? Every thing is alright in the 'present' he has created, so why wouldn't he try to meet her 'again', after all, he loves her.

Answer: Because none of the alternative realities he has experienced show him causing anything but misery for Kayleigh. It's because he loves her that he chooses to not allow himself to be part of her life, and protect her from suffering.


Answer: That was just another typical nondescript boy who might have looked like Evan. Again, everything that we see after Evan's death sequence in his mother's womb is a result of his never being born. So it would be impossible for Evan to exist in any of those "flash-forwards" we see after Evan dies.

5th Apr 2011

Finding Nemo (2003)

Question: What happened to Coral and the rest of the babies?


Chosen answer: They were eaten by the barracuda.


30th Mar 2011

The Simpsons (1989)

Chosen answer: "The Great Wife Hope" from Season 21, Episode 3.


16th May 2010

Quarantine (2008)

Question: At the very end of the film when Angie is dragged, in the background it doesn't look like any figure dragged her? Shouldn't we have seen at least the upper body of a figure grabbing and dragging her? It looks like she was dragged a long way, so why isn't there any evidence of her being dragged by any human figure?

Answer: Purely done for suspense reasons. Seeing the figure of something walking up behind her, grabbing her and dragging her away would have less of a "jump" factor than what happened in the movie, which is her being suddenly dragged away into the darkness.


30th Mar 2011

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Answer: They do not.


Question: When the house is "Broken Into" at the beginning, is it actually the demon or is it broken into? I wasn't sure if this was established in the film. I assume we're led to believe it is the demon as nothing was stolen but wasn't sure.


Chosen answer: It's the demon.


Question: After someone gets his memory erased, Lacuna sends a note to the related to ask them to no longer talk about the erased thing. Why does Lacuna intentionally not inform Joel that he had been erased from Clem's memory? (Joel's father ends up giving him his note and Dr Mierzwiak says he shouldn't have seen it). This won't prevent him getting hurt. After Clem erased him from her memory, he could have talked to her about their relation.

Answer: Clem would have had to tell the doctor the names and addresses of all the people whom she wanted to send a note to. Obviously she didn't want anything sending to Joel for fear of hurting him.


26th Nov 2010

Jaws (1975)

Question: In the scene where Quint and Hooper were drunk and comparing scars, at the end of the scene Chief Brody lifts his shirt to reveal a scar. The significance of the scar was not revealed in the movie. What was the scar from?


Chosen answer: It's an appendix scar, from when he had it removed. It's of no great significance other than a jokey moment where Brody realises that he doesn't have any stories to tell the others about any scars he has, other than one he received through a fairly common operation.


Answer: It is a scar from a gun shot wound he received whilst on service for NYPD. He doesn't want to talk about it. It could explain the whole reason he moved to Amity from NY.

Answer: The chief was going to show the scar from his gunshot wound that he got as a police officer while working in New York.

8th Nov 2010

General questions

I saw a scary movie many years ago. It could have been made in the late 1930's or 1940's. About a man that was given a shot in his neck and eventually grew another head. All I remember is that the first sign of the head was a eye on the victims shoulder. Would like to know the name of the film.

Answer: The film is called The Manster:


24th Jul 2010

Scary Movie 3 (2003)

Question: Cindy told Cody that she's taken care of him since his birth. Have ten years passed between the second and third movies (considering Cody's age)? Because she didn't take care of anyone in Scary Movie 2.


Chosen answer: It's unlikely 10 years have passed, but very little is consistent across this franchise. For example, Brenda dies in this film, and yet is alive and well in the next one. It's just a throwaway line of dialogue that explains why Cindy has a kid so that the film can spoof "The Ring".


29th Sep 2010

Carrie (1976)

Question: When Tommy and Carrie are at the prom, does he start to like her for real, or is he just pretending to make Carrie feel better about herself?

Answer: He starts to genuinely like her, hence his disgusted reaction at the sick practical joke played on her.


11th Nov 2007

General questions

I watched a movie late one night. It was in black and white and all the characters were played by dogs role playing as humans. Any clue as to the title of this film?

Answer: The film is called "Pound". More information can be found at


23rd Apr 2007

Final Destination (2000)

Question: I don't get how Alex could have died in Clear's Dad's cabin with the fishing rod opening the door and the rusty fish hook and the knife flying out. What happened behind the door?

Answer: As Alex picks up the fish hook he smiles and says "tetanus". Although not ideal, Death hoped to infect Alex with tetanus, a lot slower a death than intended, but a death nevertheless.


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