Best crime movie questions of all time

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The Irishman picture

Question: I don't quite get how the Hoffa killing plays out. His son is there in the car, Frank and Jimmy go into the house, Frank shoots him, apparently not heard, then leaves the house...doesn't Chuckie Hoffa have questions? Like where his dad is for a start, let alone the gunshots he must have heard?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: First off his name was Chuckie O'Brian. Jimmy Hoffa wasn't his biological father, he was more in the nature of a foster father. Second, he probably knew what happened. What was Chuckie going to do? It was a sanctioned hit. And if he went to the police he would have ended up the same as Jimmy Hoffa. They put him in the middle of it to keep him quiet. If he goes after the people who did it, he's as good as dead. If he talks he could end up in jail with them, and the mafia will probably kill him anyway.

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Salt picture

Question: Salt has been with the agency for a long time and has earned the trust of her colleagues, so when she is accused of being a spy, why would her superiors take the word of a defector over her?

Answer: They have to at least investigate that kind of an accusation, and when Salt so vigorously resists arrest it basically confirms, in their minds, that she is in fact a spy.


I actually kind of find it shocking that they would be willing to believe a guy who would do or say anything to save himself and since Salt was with the agency a long time, they could have at least given her the benefit of the doubt.

More Salt questions
Police Academy picture

Question: Why did Mahoney get a medal at the end? All he did was run up a building and got himself taken hostage. Hightower deserved his cause he knocked the guy out, saved Harris and Mahoney and defused the situation. Even if it was for bravery or heroism, Mahoney achieved nothing with his actions and shouldn't have been rewarded.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Just because you fail in your attempt at heroics doesn't mean you weren't brave as hell for trying. Mahoney knowingly put himself in a very dangerous situation with the sole intent of saving two of his fellow officers. That's bravery.


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Home Alone 3 picture

Question: When Beaupre thought there was a woman in the Alcott's house, why go back in and kill her? He thought she was in the shower so she couldn't see him, so there was no evidence to give the police about what he looked like.


Answer: It was Jernigan who thought there was a woman in the shower and he couldn't take the risk that if it was a woman, that she would eventually get out and see intruders in the house and call for the police. The only option open to Jernigan would be to kill her so there'd be no witnesses.

No it was Beaupre who thought there was a woman in the house.

I've seen the movie and I can confirm that it was Jernigan who opened the shower curtain because he thought a woman was in the shower.

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Set it Off picture

Question: How did Luther know where they stashed the money, and how did he blow through over $750,000 practically overnight?

Answer: I would also think Luther had found his "Retirement Fund" and was not going to give it up that easy, and had it hidden in a way that it was not going to be easily found, like he did, thanks to the not so crafty criminals who hid almost a million dollars in an air vent.

I agree with that answer. Bear in mind that if Luther could find the money easily, something he must have done as part of his job as the chief janitor of the building, he sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy for the next person to get it from him. And the amount, according to "Francheska" (Frankie), was "Over $75K and counting..." not $750K. There's a big difference.


I thought it was "296,000 and counting."

Answer: Luther worked as the cleaner in the building where the girls hid the money in the air duct. He apparently just happened to come across it while cleaning. As to blowing through it, he may have been lying to them that it was all gone, but he had already bought some pretty expensive items. Something like a fancy sports car alone can cost $100,000 or more.


Raywest, I don't think he even admitted to having the money at all, except denying that he even knew anything about it before "Teshaun" (Tete) shot him from behind. That act alone rendered recovery of whatever was left almost impossible. Luther went to the grave with that secret.


I thought they worked for him, so why would he be cleaning? Also, who cleans air vents in an office building?

Answer: The girls were certainly not the craftiest of criminals, certainly amateurs. You NEVER hide that kind of cash in an air vent - EVER. Unfortunately, in life, you take the exam and the lesson is learned after.


More Set it Off questions
Taken picture

Question: What would have eventually happened to Marko after Bryan left him in the basement? Would he just have died and continued to have current surge through him till someone found him? Would he eventually burst in to flames? Would his heart explode? I know he dies, that much is obvious. Just curious as to what happens in the longer term.


Chosen answer: Depends on how much current is actually running through him. Since it didn't kill him right away, even after a few jolts to get him to talk, it's unlikely it was enough that he would ever burst into flames or that his heart would explode. Most likely, he just slowly cooked until he dried up and burnt like a turkey left too long in the oven.


More Taken questions

Answer: The same unknown acid/chemical combination that created the Joker in the first place.


More Suicide Squad questions
Desperado picture

Question: I have two questions: 1) At the beginning of the movie, when Buscemi tells the story about the mariachi in this one bar in Saragossa, Tavo (the one Mexican that is later in the movie killed on the street by the mariachi) says something in Spanish, and all start laughing - does anybody know what he says? 2)When the mariachi prepares to go to the Tarasco-Bar, in his bathroom, what song is played?

Answer: Tito Larriva as Tavo says (in reference to Steve Buscemi) that "This guy smells like shit." The name of the song being played is "Manifold de Amour" by Latin Playboys.

More Desperado questions
Licence to Kill picture

Question: When Cary Lowell arrives at the religious compound run by Wayne Newton to "donate" money, they don't let her in at first. She begs and says "But I came all the way from Wichita Falls." Being from Wichita Falls, Texas (a city not real well known throughout the US since it's relatively small) I'm curious as to how this line got into the film. Does someone working on the film have some connection to Wichita Falls?

Answer: Just why they chose this city is not known. It was probably chosen for an inside reason, i.e. one of the writers or producers was from there, and they wanted to give a nod to their hometown.


More Licence to Kill questions
Suicide Kings picture

Question: Much ado is made near the start of the film about the kidnappers sending Elise's finger back to her family as a threat, but we learn later that she was never harmed. Did the film ever explain where the finger actually came from, or if it was even sent at all?

Answer: The finger is never shown, only mentioned. Since Elise looked to have all her fingers one must assume it was made up as part of the scheme to fool everyone.

More Suicide Kings questions
Pacific Heights picture

Question: Why was Carter deliberately causing enough commotion to drive the other tenants out?

Answer: If there are no other tenants, it means a loss of income for the owners. Carter, meanwhile was destroying the other apartment, making it useless to rent out. Patty and Drake need the income from both apartments that they are renting out in order to pay the monthly mortgage on their Victorian house.


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The Highwaymen picture

Question: When police scour the old neighbourhood, there is a shot of a man wearing some kind of huge metal suit. What was this suit used for? (00:46:53)

Answer: Most likely protective body armour.

More The Highwaymen questions
Paul Blart: Mall Cop picture

Question: If Pahud thinks that Paul Blart is with his girlfriend, why does he make him his "homie"? Wouldn't he hate Paul for taking his girlfriend?

Answer: Paul explains to Pahud that it's a misunderstanding, and Pahud then makes Paul Blart his homie.

More Paul Blart: Mall Cop questions
The Rescuers Down Under picture

Question: What kind of creature is Jake, (I think that's his name), the one that is smitten by Bianca?

Answer: Jake is a hopping mouse. Although they look something like a marsupial, they are a type of rodent that is indigenous to Australia.


More The Rescuers Down Under questions

Answer: According to, Greg Kinnear did.

T Poston

More Beavis and Butthead Do America questions
Fast X picture

Question: Spoiler! Does this movie actually end with Dominic and his son Brian about to die and the bad guy Dante winning?

Answer: It does - it's a massive cliffhanger leading directly into the next (and apparently final) film. The team's plane has been shot down and crashed, seemingly killing them all (but let's be honest, that's unlikely...). Dom and Little B survive the drive off the dam and crash into the river. Dante looks down on them and arms massive bombs along the length of the dam, they apparently have nowhere to run to... End of film.

Jon Sandys

More Fast X questions
Insomnia picture

Question: Why does Dormer switch to a backup gun while chasing the killer in the fog? It is never explained.


Answer: Plot device to make Ellie look like a super sleuth remembering Dormer even carries a backup. When Hap and Dugger were comparing guns Hap says he and Dormer both carry S&W .45s. This makes the 9mm casing Ellie found a complete mystery to everyone else. So why the switch? Dormer's primary might be empty, but this is the first time Dormer shoots and all the characters act like there are only two shots fired in the fog, so for it to be empty he would have to be terribly sloppy. If he's so bad he forgot to load his gun it's equally likely he left the safety on. Maybe Dormer is just so used to being a dirty cop he instinctively uses the backup whenever possible to create an alibi. Ultimately, there is no explanation for this in the film, and if blink you don't even see the switch and are very confused when the 9mm casing shows up in the first place, if Nightmute carries.40, and Dormer .45, then 9mm has no place at all.

In the Netflix version with subtitles, when Dormer fires his primary weapon, the subtitle says "gun clicks." Dormer briefly looks at his gun and then pulls his secondary weapon. Nolan may have intended this to be ambiguous so the viewer doesn't know whether it was an accident or intentional (Nolan would never leave a "mistake" in the final edit - in fact, in interviews, he said he watched the movie at least a hundred times while editing), but the subtitles seem to put this debate to rest.

Chosen answer: Because he ran out of bullets in his first gun.

More Insomnia questions
Papillon picture

Question: How did Papillon, Diega and Marturette manage to sail to Colombia after their second escape attempt? Colombia is on the opposite side of South America from French Guiana/Devil's Island. It seems like they would have ended up in Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, CuraƧao or Aruba long before ending up in Colombia. I'm sure the book sheds light on this, but the movie completely glosses over it.


Answer: I discovered the answer to this by reading the book's plot synopsis on Wikipedia. The inmates actually sailed to Trinidad and then picked up three other inmates. They set sail again and were captured near the Colombian coastline when the wind died down. It would appear that in the interest of saving time, the movie chose to just have them appear in Colombia.


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Tales From the Hood picture

Question: When Simms tells the 3 thugs they are dead, he screams at them "This ain't no funeral home. It ain't the terra dome neither." What is the terra dome? When I look it up online I only find a mention of an underground home, but I don't see what that has to do with Satan and Hell.


Chosen answer: The word he says is "terror dome". He is just referencing a Public Enemy song, "Welcome to the Terrordome".


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Basic picture

Question: Kendall was really part of 8. This is evident as he was rescued by Pike but went along with the story that he was rescued by Dunbar. Also, that Dunbar was in interrogation but knowing it was really Pike. He also uses the phrase, get your story right. He drew an 8 to indicate that he was part of the organization. He was rescued by Pike because he was part of 8.

Answer: First of all, what's the question? Second, Kendall was indicating that Section 8 was involved because they had the reputation of being a renegade outfit, to deter the fact the he was part of the drug smuggling gang that was operating within the military base.

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