Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods (2010)

7 mistakes since 20 Apr '24, 07:34

(16 votes)

Friends in Need - S6-E17

Continuity mistake: Danny and Jamie are at the pistol range shooting targets. The vantage point from down range shows them both shooting tight shot groups. However, when they are finished shooting, they hold up their targets; their shot groups are not as tight as the down range perspective. (00:34:01)


Blue Bloods mistake picture

Risk and Reward - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: Danny and the ESU enter the warehouse basement to find Bobby, and when they start to return fire, the first guy they shoot knocks over the white plastic lawn chair (beside the recliner) as he goes down. Then, in the next shot facing the door, that white lawn chair is upright (not the yellow table chairs), but in the next shot it's lying on the floor again. (00:32:40)

Super Grover

The End - S11-E15

Factual error: The badge the ATF Special Agent is displaying on his suit jacket is wrong. It's the wrong shape and style of an actual ATF Badge. (00:02:57)


Blue Bloods mistake picture

Officer Down - S1-E4

Factual error: Danny and Jackie Curatola are with ESU to make an arrest at a garage. They are behind cover with their weapons drawn. Although there is no suspect shooting at them, both Danny and Jackie have their fingers on the trigger, which is against police training unless you are going to engage a subject by shooting your weapon. The ESU officer right next to them does not have his finger on the trigger. (00:38:04)


The Job - S2-E12

Other mistake: Danny, while driving home with his family, hits a man with his car. Danny gets out of the car to attend to the man, but his wife, Linda, who is a nurse, does not get out of the car to render aid to the man. (00:02:18)


On the Ropes - S14-E7

Plot hole: Jamie and his witness are in a patrol car when they are attacked by criminals in a van firing machine guns at them. Jamie (of course) chases them away after a prolonged firefight, and when the van is driving away we see another patrol car also shooting at the fleeing suspects. There didn't appear to be any cars with Jamie, nor did anyone come to his aid during the gunfight, and this other patrol car was facing the wrong direction.


On the Ropes - S14-E7

Plot hole: Early in the show, Jamie is in a patrol car escorting a witness when they are attacked by several guys in a van. The side windows of their cruiser seem shatterproof and withstand many bullets, while the rear window is shattered immediately. NYPD cruisers do not have bulletproof windows.


Frank Reagan: I'm the PC. I know everything.

More quotes from Blue Bloods

Pilot - S1-E1

Trivia: In episode 1x1 "Pilot" the last scene was filmed at Brooklyn's American Veterans Memorial Pier, at Bay Ridge Ave aka 69th St, in Bay Ridge (right off the Belt). The location and design of this pier is quite distinctive.

Super Grover

More trivia for Blue Bloods

Answer: The Seal of the City of New York.

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