
30th Oct 2023

The Nightgown (2023)

Trivia: Mary is chained outside in the cold and asks Father Munhauser if she can come inside. Father Munhauser replies, "I'll let you sleep in the attic if you can recite for me 'Leviticus Chapter 3'", which she cannot. Leviticus Chapter 3, probably most commonly known as the "Peace Offering," is about 500 words long. (00:01:35)


30th Oct 2023

The Nightgown (2023)

Continuity mistake: The table runner covers the corner of the nightstand and extends 1-2" across the front side. There are notebooks on the opposite side of the shelf below the tabletop. A side view shows the table runner a couple more inches across the front and drapes outward. Only the far corner of the green notebook is visible, but the table runner cannot obstruct that much of a view of the shelf. (00:03:35)


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