Brian Katcher

8th Sep 2010

Rat Race (2001)

Question: I remember a couple of scenes that were not in the version I just watched. One was when the girl had to poop out of the car window. I remember her screaming at her dad instead of speaking calmly. I also kind of remember the highway girl showing her full front instead of just side-boob. I'm not positive about the second, but I distinctly remember the first. Was this deleted or am I just imagining it?


Chosen answer: You're imagining the frontal boobs. I have the DVD and none show this as a deleted scene or otherwise cut out of the movie.


Answer: There was no full-frontal shot from the highway girl at all. Kimberly wasn't speaking to Randy calmly. She was angrily telling him she hated him because he wanted her to defecate out the window.

Answer: You were probably watching the movie on television. It's been formatted/edited to fit the usual two-hour time slot for the network. Kids might be watching it too.

Answer: The girl screaming at her father was in the version I saw, however.

Brian Katcher

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