
27th Dec 2018

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Question: Right before Frank dies and turn into a zombie, he said to Kenneth, "You want every single second." What does he mean by that? (00:55:35)

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: I interpreted it as a reflection on his life and the lives of all those around him as his life drained from him. And that reflection is that as people we are always chasing something - goals, desires, a nice new car, a better job, a family with kids - but we are always left wanting something more. It's what keeps us alive and moving forward. As he dies, everything becomes illuminated and he realises this truth. I think it could also mean that he wanted to live every single second to experience as much as he could in life. But I prefer my first interpretation, so that's how I picture it.

Answer: I interpreted it as meaning a person wants every possible second to remain as a human.


Didn't it sound weird? He could put it in another way. A natural way.

Bunch Son

I'd agree that is sounds weird, but this is written by a screenwriter, and they often use embellished and unrealistic dialogue for a more dramatic or emotional effect.


Answer: I assume this is a very old question, but I always thought it meant with your kids. He wanted to wait to be killed until after he turned because he was all his daughter had left. So he wanted every single second with her, but it could just mean as human as mentioned here.

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