
23rd Sep 2007

Thirteen (2003)

Question: Why does Tracy start starving herself?

Answer: It was most likely because of her tongue piercing - she didn't want her mom to notice, and it would have been painful.

Answer: Young girls starve themselves for a variety of reasons. Many are insecure and have unrealistic expectations of how their bodies should look and stop eating to lose as much weight as possible. For others it a combination of trying to be thin, having something in their lives that they alone can control, an an act of rebellion, and so on. This often develops into a real disease called anorexia that needs medical treatment.


Did you watch the movie before you answered? This is not really an answer for this character's situation.

I'm pretty sure, due to Tracey's home life situation and the arguments between her, Mel, and the drugs that caused her to lose control and depression. As we can see when she cuts herself and starves herself, it makes more sense.

Answer: As someone else wrote, it could be the tongue piercing, and I think it was also her rebellious attitude. She wanted to be "difficult" by refusing to eat with the family or eat what her mother cooked.

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