Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls (2000)

61 mistakes in season 3

(18 votes)

Lorelai Out of Water - S3-E12

Visible crew/equipment: At the start of the episode Rory and Lorelai are about to open the garage door. You can see a crew member in the reflection of the glass moving his arms around the camera - you can also slightly see his head for a split second. (00:39:00)


Here Comes the Son - S3-E21

Continuity mistake: When Luke knocks on the kitchen door (at the back of the house) and calls Lorelai out to talk on the back porch, Lorelai grabs the doorknob to go out that door, but in the very next shot from outside Lorelai is actually walking out of the side living room door which is at the side of the house while Luke is standing there. Two completely different doors, at different sides of the house, and the back porch is not connected to the side/front porch. (00:06:10)

Haunted Leg - S3-E2

Visible crew/equipment: After Emily tells the new maid it would wonderful to remember the difference between the bells, as Emily, Lorelai, and Rory walk away from the front door, the white, red, yellow, and green tape marks are visible on the floor behind them. (00:32:00)

Super Grover

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Haunted Leg - S3-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When the new maid tells Emily the dinner is ready even though it's only 6:30, Emily concedes and they all head to the dining room, and just as Emily says they all can be in bed by 9:00, we can see the boom pole and mic in the living room behind them, at the top of the screen. (00:33:20)

Super Grover

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Keg! Max! - S3-E19

Visible crew/equipment: When Jess shows up at Principal Merton's office because he couldn't get prom tickets, as Jess shuts the office door the hand of a crew member is visible between the door and frame, slowing the moving door. (00:14:30)

Super Grover

Swan Song - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Luke and Jess are on the lake discussing in the end, when the camera is on Luke they are in the sun and when it is on Jess they are in the shadow.

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Those Are Strings, Pinocchio - S3-E22

Continuity mistake: During the graduation Lorelai borrows Richard's pen and writes "we got the inn" on the graduation program, and when she holds the program up to show Rory note the position of the blue logo printed on the bottom page. First the logo is near the center crease, but then it's at the outer edge of the page. (00:35:20)

Super Grover

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

I Solemnly Swear - S3-E11

Visible crew/equipment: When Lorelai and Rory walk into the living room while Emily is on the telephone with her lawyer, the filming equipment is visible at the right side of the screen. Then when Emily walks over to the bar to pour a drink, the T-mark (looks like chalk) is a bit visible on the floor where she stands. (00:00:25)

Super Grover

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Here Comes the Son - S3-E21

Revealing mistake: While Rory and Lorelai are in the kitchen, in a few closeups of Rory we see the refrigerator and counter area with the microwave, etc. behind Rory, but when Lorelai is at the back door about to join Luke, part of the set beside the refrigerator is gone. (00:04:15)

Super Grover

Pilot - S1-E1

Rory: You sound happy.
Lorelai: I am, kid.
Rory: Did you do something slutty?
Lorelai: I'm not that happy.

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Chosen answer: Lorelai and Christopher get married impulsively in Paris but they get divorced shortly after returning home. I don't know the exact number of days or weeks but they definitely weren't married for more than a couple of months.

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