Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls (2000)

91 mistakes in season 1

(18 votes)

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

The Breakup, Part 2 - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: While Lorelai and Rory are at Luke's for a very early breakfast, when Miss Patty walks in she's wearing long earrings, but the earrings vanish and then reappear while she's telling Lorelai how badly she feels about Rory and Dean. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Kirk introduces himself as "Mick" in the second episode. From episode 3 and throughout the series his name is "Kirk."

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Emily In Wonderland - S1-E19

Visible crew/equipment: While Lorelai and Luke are in the diner's storeroom, just as Lorelai makes a comment about not knowing what's going on in Rachel's head because she's not a Vulcan, the boom mic dips into view over the white container on the top shelf, at the top right side of the screen. (00:30:00)

Super Grover

That Damn Donna Reed - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: When Lorelai and Luke are in Luke's Diner to choose the color for the walls, Luke turns around the 'closed'-sign on the door. In this shot the venetian blind at the door is quite messed-up; partly closed, partly opened. In the following shot, where all the people are standing outside Luke's Diner looking through the windows, the venetian blind is orderly and completely opened.

Love and War and Snow - S1-E8

Other mistake: When Rory is dropped off in the morning after spending the night with her grandparents, she walks from the car to the porch where Lorelai is standing, but even though it's snowing there aren't any snowflakes anywhere on Rory. (00:39:10)

That Damn Donna Reed - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: In the first scene when Dean brings pizza and they are discussing about Donna Reed, in one shot Lorelai is opening the pizza box and she and Rory take a piece and start eating while they are talking. In the following shot, the piece of pizza in Lorelai's hand is gone and Rory takes a piece from the box - you can see that the pizza is complete again.

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Concert Interruptus - S1-E13

Visible crew/equipment: While Rory has the girls over to work on the debate, when Lorelai and Rory walk into the living room with the Pop-Tarts, just as Lorelai tells them about going to the Bangles concert we can see filming equipment at the left side of the screen. (00:23:45)

Super Grover

Pilot - S1-E1

Rory: You sound happy.
Lorelai: I am, kid.
Rory: Did you do something slutty?
Lorelai: I'm not that happy.

More quotes from Gilmore Girls

Trivia: Although, Rory loves coffee in the show, she hates it in real life. So, whenever she gets coffee from Luke, a stand, etc, Coke is the actual beverage in the glass.

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Show generally

Question: Does Lane live with both her parents? I've heard her talk about "parents" in plural but I've never seen her father, nor heard anyone talk about him. Anyone who knows?

Answer: Yes, Lane lives with both her parents. Her father does live with them, but he was only seen in the Netflix revival.

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