Star Trek: Voyager

Future's End (2) - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: As Starling prepares to launch the timeship from the bay behind his office, there is a shot of the exterior of the ship. In the background of this shot, there is a white wall on the right. This wall carries the company name and logo. However the name is misspelled here as Chronowerks, instead of Chronowerx as was shown on the outside of the building and behind Starling and Janeway when they were in the office.

The Swarm - S3-E4

Other mistake: The Doctor scrubs his hands before an operation. He should not have to do this. He is a hologram. He could just dematerialize himself and be rematerialized if he's concerned about contamination.


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Suggested correction: Maybe dematerializing and rematerializing would waste too much energy.

Star Trek: Voyager mistake picture

Future's End (2) - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: After Starling is beamed out of the limo, Rayne opens the door and escapes. The door is still standing open when the chauffeur starts the car. But in the reverse angle as he drives away, the door has closed itself. (00:20:10)

Jean G

Real Life - S3-E22

Revealing mistake: When Tom is reading the Klingon romance novel, he presses the button to turn the page, yet the text is always the same.

Basics (2) - S3-E1

Plot hole: Paris asks the Doctor to disable the phaser banks. How can the Doctor, who can't exit from sick bay, disable banks in engineering? And if it is possible to disable them from sick bay, why did Suder go to engineering?

Future's End (2) - S3-E9

Revealing mistake: When Paris and Rayne are driving through the Los Angeles suburbs in her van, they never change their direction of travel, but they pass the same sequence of houses twice. (00:31:05)

Jean G

Macrocosm - S3-E12

Other mistake: When Neelix and the Captain are following the unknown creature, it turns down a hallway and Neelix says it just ran into a dead end. The two follow and enter the transporter room on their right. However, when they exit the room, they turn to their right again, which should lead to a dead end. They needed to go to their left to go back to where they came from.


Future's End (2) - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: The sun's location changes when Rain and Tom are in the stalled van. After Tom shoots the truck and Rain stops the van, you see the shadow is directly under the van. When the truck is heading towards them, we see the van's long shadow across the highway, to the right of the van.


Favorite Son - S3-E20

Continuity mistake: Tuvok announces to the bridge he has detected a "polaron grid" surrounding the planet Voyager is orbiting. Minutes later, Chakotay tells the Captain that they have found some small holes in the "tachyon grid". (00:25:50 - 00:29:30)

Worst Case Scenario - S3-E24

Continuity mistake: Through the series, it is stated several times that Voyager has three transporter rooms, like in Phage (season 1 episode 5). However, in this episode, Voyager suddenly only has two transporter rooms.


The Darkling - S3-E18

Continuity mistake: The Doctor incapacitates B'Elanna to prevent her from fixing his subroutines. While unconscious, he looks at her from afar with evil intent. When he looks at her from a distance, her arms are along her sides. After the commercial break when he comes up to wake her, her hands are folded across her chest. (00:25:40)


Macrocosm - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: When Janeway and Neelix chase after the mysterious figure moving away from the down the dead end corridor, the wall is lit up, and the shadow moves across it showing direction of travel. After a quick cut, the wall they approach, and the corridor is noticeably darkened.

Movie Nut

Basics (2) - S3-E1

Deliberate mistake: After Voyager's secondary phaser banks overload, everyone on the ship seems to be severely injured, but Seska's baby is perfectly fine. This is likely to be a conscious decision by the writers. (00:40:30)

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Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Trivia: Rain Robinson has a model of a DY-100 on the window sill in her office. In 1996 (also the year this episode is set), Kahn left Earth in the SS Botany Bay, a DY-100 class starship.


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Chosen answer: Before Q sent the Enterprise to the beta quadrant to officially contact the Borg, there were already indications that the Borg was beginning to reach Federation territory. There were remarks towards the end of the first season of the Next Generation that several of the furthest Federation outposts were being attacked by some unknown enemy. They suspected the Romulans, but when contact with the Romulans was re-established, they learned that it was not them. The Hansens had simply figured things out much earlier than anyone else in the Federation. They learned about the Borg nine years earlier, but Starfleet mainly took notice when their outposts started getting wiped out. It is logical to assume that there were indications of Borg scouting parties and research efforts well before that.


Answer: Add to that, the two transport ships at the start of Star Trek: Generations were carrying El-Aurian refugees to Earth. It wasn't stated in the film what they were refugees of, but Guinan would state in TNG that the Borg wiped out her planet and most of her people, so it's a safe bet that's what it was. And with 47 El-Aurians being rescued by the Enterprise-B, there were plenty of people to tell Starfleet about this cybernetic threat. At the time though, Starfleet did not have the ability or resources to investigate this further, and it was eventually forgotten when other things became important until the Enterprise-D encountered that cube at J-25.

Answer: Keep in mind in Star Trek: First Contact; it's known the Borg were present during the first flight. It's also brought up again on Star Trek: Enterprise Season 2 Episode 23, Regeneration. Archer talks about how Zefram Cochrane mentions cybernetic aliens from the future were trying to attack the settlement and how another group of human beings from the future destroyed them.

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