Star Trek: Voyager

Parallax - S1-E3

Plot hole: To escape the 'event horizon', a rupture in it is widened to 120 meters (which allows 2 meters clearance on each side of the ship). Soon after, the rupture has shrunk to 110 meters wide, and Janeway decides to 'punch through' anyway. The ship does so with little difficulty, but the whole issue seems pointless since the rupture was far larger 'vertically' than 'horizontally' (relative to the view from the ship), so tipping the ship on its side would have allowed plenty of clearance to slip right through.


Caretaker (1) - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: If you look carefully when Neelix shoots the bins of water causing the water to rush out you can see a faucet opening on one of the bins.

Emanations - S1-E9

Factual error: To protect the warp core, Janeway instructs Paris to move away from the rings at Warp 7. Moments later (Janeway, Torres and Tuvok are still in the same position), Paris tells Janeway they are 0.6 light years away from the rings. Warp 7 is 656 times the speed of light. It would take about 8 hours to travel 0.6 light years at Warp 7.


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Suggested correction: The warp scale, especially since it's fictional, has never been precisely defined.

While it's never been defined, certain aspects of warp speed drive and the length of a light year are accepted. Even if Warp 7 is double what is suggested in the mistake, it would still be 4 hours. The scene in question shows no lengthy travel at Warp 7.


Season 1 generally

Continuity mistake: Tuvok and Paris' rank seems to skip around during the first season. Despite being listed in the credits as 'Lieutenant Tuvok', Tuvok starts the show as a Lieutenant Commander, with the signatory three collar pips, one black and two gold. At certain points, however, he is seen with only two gold pips (signifying Senior Grade Lieutenant). After season one he remains a Lt. Commander with no reason for the lack of continuity offered. Similarly, Paris starts the show as a Senior Grade Lieutenant, but sometimes instead of two gold pips he has one gold and one black, the signifier of a Junior Grade Lieutenant. After season one he is always presented as a Junior Grade, excluding his brief demotion to the rank of Ensign in a later series.

Phage - S1-E5

Visible crew/equipment: Neelix says to Chakotay 'I don't understand, it's right here,' referring to the dilithium ore. As soon as the camera changes to show him walk into the large cavern, a boom microphone is quickly pulled away from covering his face. (00:07:45)

Faces - S1-E14

Revealing mistake: Tuvok is behind a forcefield in Sick Bay, with the Doctor, Kes, and Captain Janeway looking at him. He tries to break the forcefield and is rendered unconscious and thrown to the floor. Janeway and the Doctor rush to pick him up and put him on the bed. Before they start to pick him up, he lifts his head and starts sitting up (to assist them, not because his character is conscious). (00:38:26)


Parallax - S1-E3

Factual error: The event horizon of a quantum singularity (aka black hole) is not a physical barrier you can punch a hole through but a theoretical one, which can't be escaped from without faster then light travel.

Heroes and Demons - S1-E12

Character mistake: When trying to trap the energy mass they created, B'Elanna announces, "Now it's trapped on three sides," to which Paris replies, "It's changing course. Heading for the open side." Since we function in 3-dimensional space, unless they are trying to trap it in a triangular-based pyramid, the number of "sides" to be concerned with is six.


11:59 - S5-E23

Shannon O'Donnel: 5:00am, December 27th, 2000. I'm in the great state of...Indiana, I think. I saw the world's largest ball of string this morning and the world's largest beefsteak tomato this afternoon. It was the size of a Volkswagen. The string, not the tomato.


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Chosen answer: Before Q sent the Enterprise to the beta quadrant to officially contact the Borg, there were already indications that the Borg was beginning to reach Federation territory. There were remarks towards the end of the first season of the Next Generation that several of the furthest Federation outposts were being attacked by some unknown enemy. They suspected the Romulans, but when contact with the Romulans was re-established, they learned that it was not them. The Hansens had simply figured things out much earlier than anyone else in the Federation. They learned about the Borg nine years earlier, but Starfleet mainly took notice when their outposts started getting wiped out. It is logical to assume that there were indications of Borg scouting parties and research efforts well before that.


Answer: Add to that, the two transport ships at the start of Star Trek: Generations were carrying El-Aurian refugees to Earth. It wasn't stated in the film what they were refugees of, but Guinan would state in TNG that the Borg wiped out her planet and most of her people, so it's a safe bet that's what it was. And with 47 El-Aurians being rescued by the Enterprise-B, there were plenty of people to tell Starfleet about this cybernetic threat. At the time though, Starfleet did not have the ability or resources to investigate this further, and it was eventually forgotten when other things became important until the Enterprise-D encountered that cube at J-25.

Answer: Keep in mind in Star Trek: First Contact; it's known the Borg were present during the first flight. It's also brought up again on Star Trek: Enterprise Season 2 Episode 23, Regeneration. Archer talks about how Zefram Cochrane mentions cybernetic aliens from the future were trying to attack the settlement and how another group of human beings from the future destroyed them.

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