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Visible crew/equipment: While Barnum and Phillip sing "The Other Side" Phillip uses two stools to get up and down from the bar top. When he steps down from the bar top, in this wideshot (also the first shot of them in the pub and other shots) the two upright stools Phillip used are secured with additional support, note the floor area underneath the stools' legs have the same pattern as the rest of the floor, though we can see the outline where the pattern's lines don't match up. Additionally, we also see three actors' marks (in the shape of an "L") on the floor in front of the bar, which will be where Barnum and Phillip will stand when they agree on the ten percent. (00:36:05)

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: After going to Tommy's apartment in LA, they stand on a balcony and shout that they will own L.A. In one shot Greg's arm is up but to the side with his hand almost in front of Tommy's face. But in the next shot from behind Greg's arms are stretched high up into the air. (00:21:15)

Quantom X

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Factual error: In a picture from the UN headquarters in New York in the year 2003 you see two German flags. The German Democrativ Republic hasn't existed since 1990. (01:16:04)

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