Best drama movie mistake pictures of 2003

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Revealing mistake: When Karen rips open the wrapping on her gift from Harry, in the close-up of the CD as she holds it with her right hand, it is blatantly obvious that it is not Emma Thompson's hand. Just compare it with the earlier shot of her hand when she sneaks a peak at the card signed - "Sorry I'm such a grumpy bugger.. Bad Harry." (01:27:45)

Super Grover

More Love Actually mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Suki and Tej are being booked for speeding when they took Brian's and Roman's cars, the police officer next to them should be writing on his notepad, but instead the words are already written and he is just moving the pen over these words. (01:24:25)

More 2 Fast 2 Furious mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Behrani is trying to force Kathy back in her car as she shouts at him, her hair is over both her shoulders in one shot. In the next the hair over her left shoulder is now behind. (00:52:00)


More House of Sand and Fog mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the three Confederate soldiers are about to be executed for desertion, a blindfold is placed around the deserter on the right. It is a narrow strip of cloth covering his eyes. The camera pans to the firing squad and then back to the three men. The blindfold on the deserter on the right, is now much wider.

More Gods and Generals mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end when Bob walks out to see who played the song, there is an order pad sitting near the end of the counter. When Bob walks out with Walt the pad has turned into what looks like a menu and moved to the very corner. (01:42:55)

Joel Gordon

More Stuck On You mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The chain with which El and Carolina are linked together gets cut open with a welding torch. When the chain falls down on the ground it's intact again. (00:34:50)


More Once Upon a Time in Mexico mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Algren teaches a soldier to shoot, the soldier has a chin strap below his lip. Yet, in the next shot there is no strap. (00:19:35)

More The Last Samurai mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Kid crashes towards the end in his race against Dogg, a wide shot shows that he's quite far from the bike, which is in the middle of the track resting horizontally on its kickstand, with something black against the wall behind him. In the closer shot of Lawrence Fishburne running up to him, he's just struggling to his feet, so hasn't moved, yet is much closer to the bike, which is now right up against the wall, and the black object behind him has disappeared. (01:23:00)

Jon Sandys

More Biker Boyz mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: The Acheron fires many devastating blows on the Surprise and the effect is visible in close-ups and a wide shot. However, after Mr. Mowett yells, "Relieving-tackles on the tiller! You men collect the wounded!" there is another wide shot of the Acheron in the foreground and Surprise in the distance. In this shot Surprise has NO damage whatsoever! (00:11:00)

Super Grover

More Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the Karaoke scene, when it's Charlotte's turn, one briefly sees the number 601 on the door to the cabin. Later, when she's waiting outside and Bob leaves the room it's the number 602. (00:48:10)


More Lost in Translation mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: April writes a note to Bobby on the back (note the clasp) of a manila envelope telling him about the stove being broken, but the next two times we see that note the writing is on the front of the manila envelope and the handwriting has changed. (00:22:15 - 00:33:25)

Super Grover

More Pieces of April mistake pictures
More 21 grams mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Henry is running to the injured civilian there is a shot where you can see his kneepad under his trousers. (00:46:20)


More 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Signor Martini tries to find the snake in Frances' house he lights the stove with a match. He then places the match box on top of the stove with the long side of the box facing the camera. In the next several shots the box turns to the narrow side facing front and then back again. (00:45:20 - 00:47:00)


More Under the Tuscan Sun mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Barbara Anne's owner comes to the door to talk to Owen, she is holding a coffee mug by the handle. The next shot shows her holding the mug on the other (non-handle) side. (00:05:50)

Low Cow

More Good Boy! mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Look at the scene where Chanel and her mom are putting on face cream. In the wide shot, Chanel only has cream on her chin, cheeks and forehead. Her mom hasn't applied the cream. In the close-up (when her mom says that they might be moving to Paris), there's cream all over their faces.

More The Cheetah Girls mistake pictures

Factual error: When David is reading the e-mail about his son's custody sent by his wife, the date reported on is Tuesday, 8 Oct 1994. However, that day was a Saturday. (00:48:39)

More The Life of David Gale mistake pictures

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