Best drama movie mistake pictures of 1998

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Continuity mistake: When Prince Henry first approaches Leonardo da Vinci and then chases after the thief, the horse he rides on is dark bay in color and has no markings on its face. After he shouts, "Ugly peasant bastard!" in Henry's next close-up he rides a black horse with a white 'L' shape mark between its eyes. (00:20:20)

Super Grover

More Ever After mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Miller's men are about to take the bunker under the radar tower, they are kneeling on the ground behind some bushes discussing their flanking moves and Jackson is about two feet away from Reiben to his left, but when it cuts Jackson is now behind Reiben. (01:22:35)


More Saving Private Ryan mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Patch and his roommate are arguing about why he wanted Patch out of the college, the book on the desk changes to a very different looking book between shots - note the tabs and red-edged pages.

More Patch Adams mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The wagon, which is full of explosives, is on fire, so Mulan cuts Kahn (the horse) free with her sword and jumps onto Khan. She starts to ride away, while she holds the reins in her left hand and the sword with her right hand, up in the air. The wagon explodes and in the next shot, she still holds the reins in her left hand, though the sword, still in midair in her right hand, is now actually in its sheath, which is always attached to the left side of her belt. Some arrows are missing on the ground as well. Then her sheathed sword lands on the ground beside her. (00:53:45)

Super Grover

More Mulan mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Danny gets shot at the end of the film, his paper flies out of his hand. But the very next shot of him shows that the paper is still in his hand being held over his head while he falls backwards. In one of the following shots the paper is back on the floor, but it's on the opposite side it should have been when it flew out of his hand. It's all shown in slow motion and it's very obvious.

More American History X mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Samir is shot and falls into the pool, he falls in facing up. But the underwater angle shows him land in the water face down. (01:42:45)


More The Siege mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Truman takes his high school sweetheart to the beach, her "father" comes to get her. There is a shot through the father's button cam showing Truman backing away. Look at Truman's shirt and you will see not one but two human shadows. One is the father and the other is the "button" cameraman. (00:25:30)

More The Truman Show mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After nana picked up Will's kids and Will Smith is lying in the back of the car, look closely at nana's seatbelt. In the first shot it's on, in the next shot she doesn't wear it anymore and in next shot its on again.

More Enemy of the State mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Monte Carlo is battling with the Camaro, they go off road into a field. During a certain shot, the Camaro has to jump a hill and it goes airborne. While it's airborne, you can see the entire front end is destroyed. However, after it lands, you can see the front end of the Camaro is in excellent condition and it remains intact for the remainder of the film. I would guess that they used at least two Camaros for the film. (00:26:10)

More Black Dog mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When there is a car crash, and a motorcyclist flies over one of the cars, as he rolls towards the windshield we see the whole windshield intact. Then when the motorcyclist rolls and hits the windshield, large cracks are clearly visible, way before the man hits the glass. (01:00:30)


More Run Lola Run mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Eddie, Stevo, and Bob were getting out of the black car and walking into the liquor store in Wyoming, through the back window of the car you can see a set lamp in the back seat.

More SLC Punk! mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the flashback, where Victor's parents ask him who his favourite Indian is, before he walks out the door, there are two girls on the porch playing with a sparkler while leaning on the rail, facing away from the door. In the next shot, in a close-up where Victor comes through the door, the girls are now leaning against the exterior of the house next to the door, facing each other. No sparkler in sight. (00:25:11)

More Smoke Signals mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Vic is drinking at the bar and talking about his guilty conscience - or lack thereof: he holds his glass with his right, left, right depending on the camera angle.


More Twice Upon a Yesterday mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Julia is explaining the conspiracy to Rick in the stairwell, the position of Rick's hands in front of his face change between shots. (01:03:25)

Cubs Fan

More Snake Eyes mistake pictures
More Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Chris is dead, and his wife is writing in her diary, and she writes "I still exist" as she's writing it, exist is written "EXST", then when she looks to read what she wrote it reads "EXT". The writing's different too. (00:22:10)

More What Dreams May Come mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Duke leaves the Mint Hotel and drives in the desert, the camera frames on a big cartel that reads "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada." Its shadow is projected on the road and with it also the shadow of the camera crane that shoots the scene. (01:01:24)

More Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas mistake pictures

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