Best action movie mistake pictures of 1996

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Continuity mistake: David calls Connie at the White House and she walks toward the divided pane windows, then pulls one curtain to the side. In the exterior shot facing her, the pane's white grille is between the two sides of the curtain, but in the next interior shot looking out, there's only clear glass, though we should see the grille, just as we see both sides of the curtain with her hand holding the right side. Then, in the next exterior shot facing her, it's back to the original with the visible white grille. (00:38:25)

Super Grover

More Independence Day mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Nicolas Cage drives through the window in the yellow Ferrari and the shot changes, he is coming out from a different window than in the first shot. In the first shot he emerges from the window to the left of the 7th Street Garage storefront ('Classic Autos' written on the window), but next shot he emerges from the window to the storefront's right. Also, note the now glassless window to the storefront's left, due to a previous take.


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More Barb Wire mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Bill's fiance is driving over after the first tornado, when the truck lands, she swerves and she stops. As she is getting out, a camera is visible. When the camera backs up though, a crew-member pulling it back is visible in the door.

More Twister mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Arnie jumps from the plane, notice the stunt double. He weighs about half of what Arnie would, and has no muscles. (00:55:10)

More Eraser mistake pictures

Factual error: Casey arrives at the desert landing in a jeep that is flagged with 4 stars (for a 4 star general) although he is only a 3 star general (as evident by the 3 stars on his shoulder boards). (00:33:30 - 00:35:25)


More Mars Attacks! mistake pictures

Factual error: In the scene where Picard opens a viewing port and shows Lilly that she is in a starship orbiting Earth he shows her New Guinea and Australia. New Zealand is missing. (00:42:45)

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Suggested correction: Actually when you look at Australia and New Zealand from orbit, New Zealand is a lot further away from Australia then shown on a map, also a lot more south of Australia. A map is a 2D image of a sphere, causing proportions to be off (its well known Africa is a lot smaller on maps than it is in real life). Especially the further south or north you go distances are way off. The depiction shown in the movie is actually correct, in that angle New Zealand is just outside of the frame. There are plenty of pictures from orbit to compare.


More Star Trek: First Contact mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the hotel when the manager comes through the door, in the first shot the door is open, but the next time the door is closed.

More From Dusk Till Dawn mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Burt is hiding in the bulldozer scoop, Grady looks down at him from the top of the oil tank and we see that Burt has his knife in his hand. However, in the next shot, we see him pull the knife out of its sheath on his leg.

Grumpy Scot

More Tremors 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene with Sinbad and Howard in the radio place, Sinbad gets enraged, then throws the package (thought to be a bomb) and Howard hits the deck. The package lands at Howard's head, but in the next shot, it's way over to his left.

More Jingle All the Way mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: On the collapsing bridge, when the Phantom saves the kid, they swing on a rope hanging from the middle of the bridge. From a wide angle, it's very obvious that there is no possible way whatsoever that the short rope reaches the safe edge of the cliff. When the angle changes to the edge of the cliff, the rope is suddenly hanging from somewhere right above the edge.


More The Phantom mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the first sequence, when Victoria Dahl falls from a cliff, several shots show her from above and from the same level as she clings to Dick Steele's hand and starts to fall, then a last shot shows her from below as she wags her arms in an attempt to reach the water safely. In the first shots she is wearing sandals with block heels, whereas in the shot from below she (perhaps a stunt-woman) is wearing flats. (00:03:50 - 00:04:18)

More Spy Hard mistake pictures

Other mistake: As Plisken escapes in the hijacked chopper, Quervo Jones picks up a bazooka and prepares to fire on it. As Fast Eddy shoots him through the chest, watch the bazooka. You can see right through the barrel. In other words, there is no ammo in the weapon. (01:25:05)

More Escape From L.A. mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Waldman is telling his wife Alice how disgusting her dog is, the way he holds his spoon keeps changing between cuts.

More The Long Kiss Goodnight mistake pictures
More Dragonheart mistake pictures

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